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  1. The last image that normally boots on the 512 MB version of the boards is: Armbian_21.08.0-trunk_Radxa-zero_focal_current_5.10.58_xfce_desktop.img
  2. I was able to boot Armbian on Radxa Zero only with built-in flash memory (2 and 4 GB versions). 1 GB and 512 MB versions constantly reload on boot. I tried several SD cards (SanDisk, Adata, Samsung and noname), cards running on 2 and 4 GB versions do not run on 0.512 and 1 GB boards. I have on hand 512 MB, 2 and 4 GB versions of the boards. How can I help? https://armbian.atlassian.net/browse/AR-1148
  3. Armbian_22.05.1_Radxa-zero_jammy_edge_5.17.5_xfce_desktop.img boot from microSD (use Raspberry Pi Imager, balenaEtcher or similar) on radxa zero with emmc (2GB or 4GB RAM models).
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