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Gustavo dos Anjos

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  1. I have an Orangepi PC with OS: Armbian_19.11.6_Orangepipc_buster_current_5.4.8_desktop... I'm trying to communicate hardware through the UART1 ports (GPIO198 and GPIO199, respectively pins 8 and 10), but I'm not able to enable the ports, I've tried modify the file "un8i-h3-orangepi-pc-plus.dtb" but I couldn't, I also tried the solution proposed in this topic: https://forum.armbian.com/topic/1524-orange-pi-one-how-to-enable-uart/ but I couldn't find the script.bin file in the boot folder... I also tried using Minicom, and the message Offline appears. I need to activate UART1 and configure it with 19200,8,1,N. Any tips?
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