I am just looking for a working image that would have the 8821CU working. I've been able to make it work on Ordoid HC-4, but on N2+, it didn't work.
Also, my N2 setup on armbian had some problem. I launched sudo armbian-config, tried to install headers and firmware, but I couldn't. It didn't provide any error message, it just showed the loading bar and quitted quickly (as if it completed). Then I tried Nigthly and I was able to download headers and firmware, but still wasn't able to get 8821CU working (now thinking about it, I don't recall checking out if it was detected from lsusb... I'm not entirely sure). Then I went back to stable and now I'm no longer able to boot. Should I fresh install focal again or try another image? DId I miss something during installation to get 8821CU working?
Thank you.