With Armbian 22 (kernel 5.15 and bullseye/jammy) the Orange PI 3 LTS worked great including WiFi, ETH, Bluetooth. Partly thanks to @Ukhellfire and @going. Downloadable here:
Below is what I find the status is for the new Armbian 23 images provided for here : https://www.armbian.com/orangepi3-lts/
Branch current: Main downloads
Armbian 23 with kernel 6.1 bookworm: It boots, but every 3rd or 4th keystroke is ignored. No ETH, no WiFi.
Armbian 23 with kernel 6.1 jammy: It boots, keystrokes are OK, ETH is OK, but WiFi doesn't work.
Branch edge: Rolling release downloads
Armbian 23 with kernel 6.4 bookworm: Doesn't boot, no board lights come on.
Armbian 23 with kernel 6.4 lunar: Doesn't boot, no board lights come on.
Branch edge: When I build myself
There doesn't seem to be any selection to make edge boot regardless of kernel (5.15, 6.1 or 6.4) or bookworm/bullseye.
Branch current: When I build myself
I found a way to get a good build of Armbian 23: use branch current with legacy kernel 5.15:
1) Checkout the last current commit: https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/6af50cfcdd46661038fd30c71548362012df6438
2) Edit config/boards/orangepi3-lts.csc and add support for legacy kernel: KERNEL_TARGET="legacy,current,edge"
3) Build legacy bullseye: ./compile.sh build BOARD=orangepi3-lts BRANCH=legacy RELEASE=bullseye
@Igor I can send free Orange PI 3 LTS boards to US based Armbian contributors if it can improve community support of this board.