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  1. If one really wants to go with the tv box route, better at least pick device that's proven to already be fully functional with armbian IMHO My own interest on H616 is because have one here already + it runs cooler than my current armbian box (H6). I tried that old 4.1.970 kernel on this H616 box I have here and both USBs seemed to work but didn't get LAN to work. Basically the new patches that MythTV project gave also had similar functionality with newer kernel (got both USBs and HDMI working with it but no LAN). I guess if one really wanted to dig deeper into this, would need to figure out how to do own uboot with recent patches available for these devices. But this isn't really the greatest hardware either since it only has 2x USB 2 ports and LAN is 100/10, meaning the throughput to network is going to be limited even with external LAN adapter (could still be enough for some applications like home automation). Like mentioned before, I have full dump of the T96Max's DTS file here too and it's not really that different from stock orangepi one so using that could also help here, I just have zero clue how to do the custom uboot atm with armbian. A lot of the knowledge around this seems to be scattered around and a lot of things are left unexplained, probably because these are considered to be too advanced for people new to custom builds.
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