The RockPI boards always prefer to boot from their on-board flash.
If there's a valid u-boot image there, it will boot that.
U-boot boots Linux preferentially from the SDcard (if both SDNAND and SDcard images are valid)
My board was fetching a v2024.10 U-Boot from its built-in SDNAND flash,
then pulling the kernel from the SDcard. There was only the v2022.04 U-boot on your RockPi-S,
which explains why my RockPI-S always booted.
I can simulate the failures you all saw by holding in the button to disable the SDNAND flash.
In that case, my first stage loader pulls the v2022.04 U-Boot from the SDcard and fails to boot.
Neither apt update nor the armbian-install of the upgraded image can update the U-Boot to v2024.10. It simply is not present anywhere in the upgraded image.
The simplest fix is to download
and use it to update the boot loader on the broken apt upgraded image.
You will need some way to mount the broken apt upgraded SDcard on your RockPI-S while the trixie SD-card is loaded. I used a USB sdcard adapter for this.
0. boot the RockPI-S from the trixie SDcard, insert the USB SDcard adapter
verify the broken image is at /dev/sda
# cd /usr/lib
# source u-boot/ #this is a script used by armbian-install
# write_uboot_platform linux-u-boot-current-rockpi-s /dev/sda
# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
# mkdir /mnt/usr/lib/original
# mv /mnt/usr/lib/*u-boot* original
# cp -a *u-boot* /mnt/usr/lib
# poweroff
replace the trixie SDcard with the upgraded one
The first 4 steps replace the active bootloader with the one from trixie
The remainder ensures that future armbian-installs will install trixie's v2024.10 bootloader rather than v2022.04
If you have no USB to SDcard adapter you can plug into your RockPI-S,
the procedure above can be run on any Linux box. Just take care to note where it mounts your SDcards, as /dev/sda may be your boot filesystem!