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  1. Yes , the same problem ,it's a chinese fake box with fake specs and a hacked boot,I have tried almost everything and it does not work, stuck on blue light
  2. Yes i try to fix it by installing the original firmware or an equivalent, for which it simply works again, because I tried hundreds of differents roms and different tools and methods posted on the net, but without success, I even tried armbian, corelec with sd card and usb, etc ... with different dtb but nothing works, it remains attached to the blue light, and yes the wired ethernet is enough for me...thank u for ur replay
  3. I try to identify this box and then find a firmware and a method to repair it since it is blocked
  4. Hi there I bought X96Q box without warranty, supposed to be 4gb\16gb, allwinner h313, android 11, but turned out to be fake box with soc amlogic s905w, with android7.1 rooted (fake android11), I tried to flash it with different firmwares but it is stuck on blue light, the usb flashtool recognizes it but nothing responds, I tested all the methods on the forums without success please is there a solution thank you here are the pictures of the box https://1drv.ms/u/s!At0NUPMBpbubbsXudVg-DCPQL1c?e=qWZI5L
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