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  1. Yes, and I would like to get the source package of linux-u-boot-orangepi3-lts-current to see how it is being built.
  2. I am actually referring to package sources ( https://wiki.debian.org/Packaging/SourcePackage ) which you can feed into dpkg-buildpackage to create a .deb
  3. The setial port is accessible between the SD and USB connector. Not easy to solder-in but manageable. OPI zero is a good starting point but you surely will need to modify the device tree and probably u-boot too.
  4. I would like to make myself more familiar with the early linx boot process on ARM (u-boot, device trees and co.) and my idea was that I will start tweaking with something which actually works. I tried to figure out how to obtain the source package for u-boot (in my case for linux-u-boot-orangepi3-lts-current) but the armbian package repository seem to contain obly binaries. Any idea wherethe source packages for this binaries are located (e.g. what deb-src line do I need to add to the armbian.list to make "apt-get source" to work)?
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