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Stefano Roncalli

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Everything posted by Stefano Roncalli

  1. Hello, I'm pretty new to Armbian and also to Odroid devices. I'm trying to use Armbian as main operating system (instead of official Ubuntu image). If I burn SD with official Ubuntu image, it work well, if I try to burn almost any of Armbian images for Odroid N2/N2+, I can't get them to work. I've tried theese images: Armbian 22.08.1 Bullseye Armbian 22.05.4 Bullseye Armbian 21.08.1 Bullseye Armbian 22.05.4 Jammy Armbian 22.05.4 Jammy Armbian 21.05.2 Hirsute Edge As per Ubuntu, I've downloaded them, burnt with BalenaEtcher on SD, put the SD in switched-off odroid, attach hdmi, lan, keyboard and power (at the end). I can see petitboot start but, when it try to boot from the SD, the hdmi lost signal and I can't find Odroid in my network. I've waited for 20 minutes before start asking. I wrote in github and they suggest me to try changing the dip switch but I don't know exactly what is it; maybe the SPI Boot Select Switch? In this case, I'm pretty sure it point the SD slot because petiteboot show me device which I can boot and if I try with Ubuntu SD, it works. Anyone could help me with Armbian versione (Bullese, Jammy and so on) and with my boot problem? Thank you in advance Stefano
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