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Vignesh Ganesan

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Posts posted by Vignesh Ganesan

  1. Hello everyone, I am beginner to ARMBIAN OS installed on Rock 3A ( 4/64 GB) board. Version of the Armbian OS is "Armbian_22.08.1_Rock-3a_jammy_edge_5.19.5_xfce_desktop.img.xz" and I'm trying to install basic radxa packages such as mraa, PoE function, etc. But I don't know how to and where to update the radxa repository on armbian os. 

    Still I try to update the repository on /etc/apt/source.list.d/armbian.list , but while updating (apt update) it's throwing an error like "An error occurred during the signature verification". Please help me to solve this issue. 

    Note : The motive is I have to work with PoE hat, for that mraa packages are essentials. And also I need to work with UART's and please let me know how to add those uarts on overlays of armbianEnv.txt.

    Kindly let me know ASAP. 

    Thanks !

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