hello all, I'm new here. Trying again for some help or feedback please
I tried all jock's builds on Beelink A1 RK3328 they all boot, following post 1:
1 - Armbian_22.05.0-trunk_Rk3318-box_jammy_current_5.15.35_xfce_desktop and
Armbian_22.08.0-trunk_Rk3318-box_jammy_edge_5.18.10_xfce :
both boot no problem, wifi not working but a TP-LINK dongle does. System very slow and hangs after a while
2 - Armbian_22.08.0-trunk_Rk3318-box_jammy_edge_5.18.14_kde-plasma_desktop.img.xz
this is the smoothest but no wifi and no usb wifi works (asus and tplink)
I ran rk3188-config set the cpu speed, then generic wifi adapter (says not present) then I reboot but the system hangs sometimes on RAM I think (from reading the boot messages), sometimes on network and doesn't boot again. This happens on all builds.
Anything I'm missing?