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Everything posted by oddulf

  1. Hi, has anyone got the Odroid VU7-C display to work on a Odroid N2+ running headless Armbian Jammy? Running the hardkernel stock 22.04, which is still on linux kernel 4.9, it works fine. I've already tried to change a few boot params in /boot/boot.cmd, inspired by https://wiki.odroid.com/accessory/display/vu_series/vu7/vu7#tab__odroid-n2 like setenv display_autodetect "true" or setenv disable_vu7 "false" setenv hdmimode “800x480p60hz” setenv voutmode "dvi" Am I correct to run mkimage -C none -A arm -T script -d /boot/boot.cmd /boot/boot.scr as root after each change in boot.cmd? I noticed in the hardkernel image that there are a few binary .dtbo files in , notably 'display_vu7c.dtbo' in /boot/amlogic/overlays/odroidn2 - could I copy this file over to the armbian system in some way? Any advice gratefully received, also if anyone got another 7inch touchscreen working on the N2+ Armbian Jammy!
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