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  1. Gibbz's post in opi4 no audio output on cli edition was marked as the answer   
    ok it looks like it is working. Just the alsa audio test outputs a static noise! 🙃
  2. Gibbz's post in docker binary not installed with docker.io or docker-compose was marked as the answer   
    ops, theres a different way to install it now:
  3. Gibbz's post in rename network interface - udev and systemd link files dont work was marked as the answer   
    i got it working by renaming the files with smaller numbers.
  4. Gibbz's post in armbian trixie wont boot on orange pi 4 lts was marked as the answer   
    well it wouldnt boot from sd card. But I dd to the emmc and that worked!
  5. Gibbz's post in Left speaker audio only, missing right speaker was marked as the answer   
    tried the cable again, looks thats the cause!
  6. Gibbz's post in Disable apparmor kernel param? was marked as the answer   
    thanks, the answer was adding the armbianEnv.txt
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