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Everything posted by savoy

  1. I used the most recent buster 5.10.12 kernel image from the archive and still seem to be getting the same issue: log output
  2. Sorry about that! Here's the log output: https://paste.armbian.com/tezoqesuxu
  3. I'm trying to complete the installation of Armbian onto the HC4 (HC4-P if that changes anything). With a fresh SD card I run sudo dd if=Armbian_22.11.1_Odroidhc4_bullseye_current_5.19.17.img of=/dev/sdb status=progress plug in the card to the board, plug in the ethernet cable, hold down the boot switch, and plug it into power. It all seems to run correctly: I can SSH into the board and I complete the initial steps to set-up the installation (root pass, default shell, username, real name, and locale). However it does not seem as I can access the SPI FLASH device. Running the following commands from the HC4 page do not work as there are no mtd devices. root@odroidhc4:~# ls -ltr /dev/mtd* ls: cannot access '/dev/mtd*': No such file or directory Here's a paste of the files available under /dev: https://paste.tildeverse.org/?aa94ecb514ce9e50#E5qD2kbTFiQzaHRrgnBLfMw8PMfspfVsCFrxhPATYDyi
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