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Many Thanks @jock, can you please suggest/point me in right direction how can create a working android rom for RK3288 Note For any Future Purpose, 1. Short the emmc pin 2. Used LINUX RKDEVELOPTOOL to clear the flash (if you have issue while installing RK Develop Tool Refer to this PR) => ./rkdeveloptool ef 3. Used RKDEVTOOL to clear the flash again 4. Used LINUX UPGRADE TOOL to upload the working u boot loader file ==> upgrade_tool ul ../RK3288Ubootxx.bin 4. Used ANDROIDFLASHTOOL to install the Firmware once bootloader is working fine and device is in Loader Mode.
I think I'm making baby steps As suggested Flash is formatted device is showing as Maskrom when powering on.. & I was able to load the Bootloader bin which was with the original OS. Still trying to load firmware but device is still turning off. Also there was some progress in Uboot. & Now out of know where Device was powered on and I was able to flash the original Firmware.. Thanks a lot @jock Next Target how to upgrade old Android version to new one.
Hi Again, Correct if I'm wrong but after multiple failed attempts I suspect there might be issue with power on off as When i short the board it stays awake for 2-3 seconds and I've to keep button press same goes with serial mode. Dunno but if I could bypass the power button circuit might be board be wake up and run fine. Just a guess is it possible that power button has its own code which was wiped out when I updated wrong code.
ok some luck @jock I was able to find the pin and short with ground one, but thing is till I'm pressing power it is showing Maskrom mode, and after 2-3 seconds no device no activity on UART port. This output is when I'm again trying to run Serial Port. GetParam check parameter success Unknow param: MACHINE_MODEL:rk3288! Unknow param: MACHINE_ID:007! Unknow param: MANUFACTURER:RK3288! Unknow param: PWR_HLD: 0,0,A,0,1! failed to prepare fdt from boot! power key: bank-0 pin-5 can't find dts node for ricoh619 I Tried to upgrade fw while Maskrom mode available Serial Port when I initialized FW upgrade serial_init 0 ChipType = 8 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=8 DATA BUSY 1615 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=8 DATA BUSY 1615 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=8 DATA BUSY 1615 SdmmcInit=0 400 ...FlashInit enter... FtlMallocOffset = 8040 8000 FtlMallocOffset = 10040 8000 FtlMallocOffset = 11040 1000 FtlMallocOffset = 19040 8000 FtlMallocOffset = 1a040 1000 1:0 0 7f7f05 22 ...NandcInit enter... 0:1200 0 7f7f05 22 gNandcVer = 6 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=8 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=8 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=8 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=5 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=5 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=5 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=55 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=55 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=55 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=1 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=1 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=1 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 emmc reinit SDC_BusRequest: CMD=8 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=8 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=8 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=5 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=5 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=5 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=55 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=55 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=55 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=1 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=1 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=1 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 emmc reinit SDC_BusRequest: CMD=8 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=8 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=8 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=5 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=5 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=5 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=55 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=55 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=55 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=1 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=1 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SDC_BusRequest: CMD=1 SDC_RESP_TIMEOUT 1784 SdmmcInit=2 20 UsbHook 755562 powerOn 756950 Log from Android tool 21:23:20 673 <LAYER 1-2> INFO:FlashInfo: 00 B0 3B 00 00 04 04 00 28 00 01 21:23:20 673 Layer<1-2>:Get FlashInfo Success 21:23:20 673 Layer<1-2>:Prepare IDB Start 21:23:20 689 <LAYER 1-2> INFO:CS(1) (1910MB) (SAMSUNG) 21:23:20 704 <LAYER 1-2> INFO:FindBackupBuffer-->No Found Tag 21:23:20 704 <LAYER 1-2> INFO:FindBackupBuffer-->No Found Tag 21:23:20 704 <LAYER 1-2> INFO:FindBackupBuffer-->No Found Tag 21:23:20 704 <LAYER 1-2> INFO:FindBackupBuffer-->No Found Tag 21:23:20 720 <LAYER 1-2> INFO:FindBackupBuffer-->No Found Tag Another one 21:27:34 173 Layer<1-2>:Download Boot Start 21:27:36 795 Layer<1-2>:Download Boot Success 21:27:36 795 Layer<1-2>:Wait For Maskrom Start 21:27:37 233 Layer<1-2>:Wait For Maskrom Success 21:27:37 233 Layer<1-2>:Test Device Start 21:27:37 233 Layer<1-2>:Test Device Success 21:27:37 248 Layer<1-2>:Check Chip Start 21:27:37 248 Layer<1-2>: Check Chip Success 21:27:37 248 Layer<1-2>:Get FlashInfo Start 21:27:37 264 <LAYER 1-2> INFO:FlashInfo: 00 00 00 00 00 04 04 00 28 00 00 21:27:37 264 Layer<1-2>:Get FlashInfo Success 21:27:37 264 Layer<1-2>:Prepare IDB Start 21:27:37 288 <LAYER 1-2> ERROR:PrepareIDB-->No Found 1st Flash CS 21:27:37 295 Error:Layer<1-2>:Prepare IDB Fail
@jock Thanks The hardest part is to find clock pin I'm suck & stuck with that part. For shorting could I join both the pins at back of board which you circled and then supply the power and press on button to check. Also after short if device go in maskrom mode then will reflect on Android Tool other wise if forced to boot from SD card will that be shown on serial port ? Edit : Also Hard luck finding and data diagram online that would make emmc pin finding quest much easier
HI @jock I've Some news don't know if bad or good. But I was able to go in debug mode, here is output. I tried flashing Multitool & Original OS on SD card but still stuck on "load from FDT". DDR Version 1.00 20160530 In Channel a: DDR3 200MHz Bus Width=32 Col=10 Bank=8 Row=15 CS=1 Die Bus-Width=16 Size=1024MB Channel b: DDR3 200MHz Bus Width=32 Col=10 Bank=8 Row=15 CS=1 Die Bus-Width=16 Size=1024MB Memory OK Memory OK OUT U-Boot 2014.10-RK3288-10 (Nov 29 2022 - 11:38:39) CPU: rk3288 cpu version = 0 CPU's clock information: arm pll = 600000000HZ periph pll = 297000000HZ ddr pll = 200000000HZ codec pll = 384000000HZ Board: Rockchip platform Board DRAM: Found dram banks: 1 Adding bank:0000000000000000(0000000080000000) 128 MiB GIC CPU mask = 0x00000001 SdmmcInit = 0 400 SdmmcInit = 2 0 storage init OK! Using default environment GetParam Load FDT from resource image. power key: bank-0 pin-5
Hi Jock,, Thanks for the help. So current update is I don't have TTL cable and I ordered one till that one is arriving. I tried some more steps as you suggested I tried to ground the Pin from Front along with Volume button which I think also acting as Power or else I need to assemble complete board. Also I've one doubt as you suggested there might be direct pin for quick test, there Is a pin named CLK under TTL UART are those same? Also I'm testing multiple pin will that increase chance of board damage.
Hi @jock Just a little bit help, Can you guide which could be pin that needed to be short 7-8 or 8-9 apart form that. How to use usb to ttl cable any guide for that. Red circle are the ports which i tried to short as they are exact under eMMC drive.
Hi Folks, I know this is not the right place to ask for help as I'm not using Armbian Device. My device is Rockchip RK3288, it was working fine until I decided to do an OS upgrade. Accidentally ROM didn't install correctly and now the device is nearly bricked. I'm searching the web for the past 2 months to try any method which can help me to return the board to a working state. This forum is the active which I came across. The issue I tried to Install a new untested ROM over a working ROM and the device isn't booting UP, whenever I'm trying to boot nothing happens also RK Android Tool isn't able to detect the device. The issue is pretty big as I'm left with more than 20 unused boards. Could you please suggest how to enter eMMC or EDL mode? Attaching a Snap of my Board. What I've done till now, I tried to Short the NAND (not sure if that is correct), still no effect on red led light, checked via lsusb if booting, device isn't recognized there also, tried copying Multitool Img & Working ROM in SD card still no use. @jock Sorry for Looping but you gave me little stating rockchip devices can't be bricked.