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    sum1saw got a reaction from jock in Unbrick Rockchip RK3288   
    Many Thanks @jock, can you please suggest/point me in right direction how can create a working android rom for RK3288
    Note For any Future Purpose,
    1. Short the emmc pin
    2. Used LINUX RKDEVELOPTOOL to clear the flash (if you have issue while installing RK Develop Tool Refer to this PR) => ./rkdeveloptool ef
    3. Used RKDEVTOOL to clear the flash again 
    4. Used LINUX UPGRADE TOOL to upload the working  u boot loader file ==> upgrade_tool ul ../RK3288Ubootxx.bin
    4. Used ANDROIDFLASHTOOL to install the Firmware once bootloader is working fine and device is in Loader Mode.

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    sum1saw reacted to jock in Unbrick Rockchip RK3288   
    @sum1saw you're welcome, at least you have been able to restore the original firmware and the device is not bricked anymore
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