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  1. On the freshly flashed Armbian_24.11.1_Odroidxu4_bookworm_current_6.6.60_minimal $ cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/armbian.gpg] http://apt.armbian.com bookworm main bookworm-utils bookworm-desktop No /boot/ArmbianEnv.txt yet. Meanwhile created that with board_name=hc1. Reboot now. SSH again not reachable. Now it occurred to me. Those file size and hash mismatches could yet again be just another sign of SD card corruption. So far I tried different of my existing cards. Maybe I was unlucky and they all had issues. I will now buy a new card and try again. If it then still persists, then it could be that the SD card reader/writer is faulty. By which the whole device would be done effectively then.
  2. My hardware: Odroid HC2 Armbian 24.5.1 Bookworm with Linux 6.6.31-current-odroidxu4 : My backup restoration → Has other issues too → But apt upgrade results in various size and hash mismatches. Offtopic: apt upgrade or sudo dpkg --configure -a always crash the system (since summer 2024, troubleshooting without success since christmas 2024) Ruled out HW failure 80-90%. My local apt/dpg cache was corrupted, thus at /var/lib/dpkg/ backed up info/ to info.bak/ and mkdir info/ afresh. And now sudo dpkg --configure -a completed successfully the very first time! But 2025-02-09 ca. 12:00 CET and also later the afternoon apt upgrade results in various size and hash mismatches. Mirror sync in progress? Then decided to flash a fresh image and start fresh (in all cases the SHA checksum matched, and BalenaEtcher checked the flash as identical to the image) Armbian_24.11.1_Odroidxu4_bookworm_current_6.6.60-omv_minimal → Status LED flashes, but SSH never reachable. No idea at what level it fails. Armbian_25.2.1_Odroidxu4_bookworm_current_6.6.75_minimal.img.xz → Status LED flashes, but SSH never reachable. No idea at what level it fails. As recommended by the FAQs "Image does not boot" --> check previous images from archive Armbian_24.11.1_Odroidxu4_bookworm_current_6.6.60_minimal → Boots, SSH works, went through initial setup (root pw, locale, timezone, username, etc). → But apt update ; apt upgrade fails with size and hash mismatches at 2025-02-09 22:30 CET.
  3. Hi, I have an Odroid HC2, which ran OMV on Armbian for some years, since summer in a broken state, running "apt update" crashes it, ruling out HW issues with 80-90% certainty, want to do a fresh install now. https://www.armbian.com/odroid-xu4/ offers different variants, relevant to me are: Dedicated applications images with Armbian Linux v6.6 | Debian 12 (Bookworm) OpenMediaVault | Build Date: Nov 20, 2024 Has OMV built in already, would be the most convenient. But as https://github.com/armbian/configng/pull/285 was merged only on Nov 30, 2024, this build cannot have it sadly. Armbian 25.2.1 Bookworm Minimal / IOT | Kernel: 6.6.75, Size: 227.5 MB, Release date: Feb 9, 2025 Also okay, install OMV on top then. Does this already include PR 285 ? Can OMV even be installed on top of that very new Armbian? @Igor I cannot understand your instructions at https://www.armbian.com/odroid-xu4/ Questions: Edit /boot/armbianEnv.txt and add … This instruction is clear. A detail is unclear: If one has a "hc2" then what shall be filled into the board_name ? Which comes closest? Or is there a "hc2" specific config too? add what you need to the "setenv overlay" As a tech savvy user/tinkerer, but no Armbian expert, I don't know "what I need" — I had hoped the instructions to tell me. In other words: I want my NAS Odroid Home Cloud 2 to work as good with the SD card, internal SATA connected HDD, and the USB 2.0 connected backup HDD, and its Ethernet connection. I noticed in a backup that my /boot/armbianEnv.txt contained also: usbstoragequirks=0x2537:0x1066:u,0x2537:0x1068:u which I cannot recall to have added manually. Does running armbian-config alter /boot/armbianEnv.txt If so then it certainly indirectly is from me as I ran armbian-config on the initial setup and after some system/kernel updates. "Make sure to adjust path in extload" — Also hard to understand for someone without deep Armbian knowledge. Answers appreciated!
  4. Was able to omv-release-upgrade my Odroid HC2 from my restored OMV6 to OMV7 simply by having the single line in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list commented out. Now I will just need to figure out how to update Armbian itself.
  5. In the OpenMediaVault forums I reported Seemingly cannot update and upgrade anymore due to repository having no release file (OMV6 on Armbian on Odroid HC1) So if my OMV 6 with Armbian Bullseye both have not updated for a while, will this your instruction let me run apt update and apt upgrade again and also omv-upgrade? Note: As omv-upgrade in OMV 6 did not work anymore, I thought to omv-release-upgrade to OMV 7 right away. But that upgrade script included an implicit omv-upgrade too. So failed too. Hence I had then run an omv-release-upgrade (with its omv-upgrade line outcommented) which resulted in a broken system: Armbian seemingly up to date, but all OMV stuff gone or stuck in v6. I restored my SD-card with OMV6/Armbian-Bullseye from my openmediavault-backup with fsarchiver successfully. Now I would like to do things correct. Hence my questions regarding your steps: Ad 1) a) From where shall I get that armbian.gpg file reliably? Is it cryptographically ok/safe enough as @BrewNinja did it? Note: Hobby NAS on a private LAN with no services exposed to the Internet, LAN only services) If ok, then please integrate into your instruction for TL;DR users. Thanks! b) /etc/apt/sources.list is empty Ad 3) That part is hard to understand for someone who deals with SBC / Armbian only occasionally. How do I ensure apt to not make any changes to /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf ? Please clarify that. Do you mean there are interactive questions which I shall answer accordingly? Or do I need to lock something? Or monitor something and revert it if changed? Ad "4")? Then comes another code block with "apt upgrade --no-new-pkgs ; apt full-upgrade ; apt dist-upgrade" — Is this step 4? Or preceding part 3?
  6. Possibly this solves it? https://forum.armbian.com/topic/35402-upgrading-armbian-from-bullseye-to-bookworm
  7. Environment: Armbian on an Odroid-HC2 (Homecloud 2) which uses the odroid-xu4 firmware. Reproduction: After initial installation on the welcome banner "RX today:" always shows a nice value. Install and run some docker containers. This changes /sys/class/net/ . AFAIK it adds so called "virtual network interfaces". From then on the Armbian welcome screen displays like this: Error: Interface "veth•••••••" not found in database. Note: • redacted by me. Analysis: /etc/default/armbian-motd … PRIMARY_INTERFACE="$(ls -1 /sys/class/net/ | grep -v lo | egrep "enp|eth" | head -1)" … The current regular expression falsely matches veth••••••• (created by Docker). $ ls -1 /sys/class/net/ br-•••••••••••• docker0 enx•••••••••••• lo veth••••••• I fixed it for myself by changing PRIMARY_INTERFACE to this: "$(ls -1 /sys/class/net/ | grep -v lo | egrep "^en" | head -1)" Fix Proposal: A developer with proper knowhow of the network interface naming conventions changes the default regular expression / pipe for PRIMARY_INTERFACE so that it safely only matches a real hardware interface for all typical systems, also working fine when using docker or other software which may create virtual network interfaces or other stub like entries there. Notes: This bug was already discussed in a forum thread in a "how to help yourself" manner. This here now is a formal bug report with the inquiry to please fix it. I ran through the bug submission wizard at https://www.armbian.com/bugs/ which eventually led me here.
  8. I run Armbian on an Odroid-HC2 (Homecloud 2) which uses the odroid-xu4 firmware. On the welcome banner RX today: always showed a nice value. Since December 2022 when I last updated it suddenly showed Error: Interface "veth•••••••" not found in database. And I can confirm: I use 2 docker images on that device, so that may cause unusual devices at /sys/class/net/ which the motd script handles wrongly. Note: • redacted by me. /etc/default/armbian-motd […] PRIMARY_INTERFACE="$(ls -1 /sys/class/net/ | grep -v lo | egrep "enp|eth" | head -1)" […] $ ls -1 /sys/class/net/ br-•••••••••••• docker0 enx•••••••••••• lo veth••••••• Simple fix: Change PRIMARY_INTERFACE to the grep expression "First device that starts with "en", in case you have only one physical Ethernet connection. PRIMARY_INTERFACE="$(ls -1 /sys/class/net/ | grep -v lo | egrep "^en" | head -1)" After that "RX today" on the welcome banner again shows some meaningful statistics.
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