@b-baka it was already added in https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/b9170c2f22fb00b3334b0bfd984f1af6ffcd4e0b by @danielpinto8zz6 Can you try latest builds?
First of all thanks for all the tips you all generous people are sharing, at least now mine official bullseye Debian image is able to get up and running on SPI Flash+SATA SSD, a bit tricky though.
Special thanks to @wizetek @Nodon and others helpful folks. It seems like NVMe SSD is default supported (bootloader "/usr/lib/linux-u-boot-legacy-orangepi5_1.0.8_arm64/rkspi_loader.img" ), however SATA SSD need a special bootloader (#1 /usr/share/orangepi5/rkspi_loader_sata.img ), #2 and also to enable following in /dev/sda1 (boot partition "/boot/orangepiEnv.txt"),
which I believe is corresponded to "/usr/lib/linux-image-legacy-rockchip-rk3588/rockchip/overlay/rk3588-ssd-sata.dtbo".
Speaking which I had a stupid idea, is it possible to some how patch this device into Armbian to make our life easier? including all the GPIO ones also? I tried armbian-add-overlay the whole "/usr/lib/linux-image-legacy-rockchip-rk3588/rockchip/rk3588s-orangepi-5.dtb" but I'm too dumb to get anything work as expected on Armbian (e.g. sata-ssd).