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  1. Hello, I am trying to add support for H96 Max X4 android box Here are the specs of my box: SOC: amlogic S905x4 RAM: 2GB Pictures I am trying to run this box as a raspberry pi alternative as I can't find a pi anywhere. I know that there is no official or unofficial support for this chip so I plan to add support for this box myself. After some research, I found that there are 4 variants according to coreelec community and they have already added support for generic S905x4 boxes. So my first intuition was to boot coreelec and try to move on from there. I tried their prebuild image and followed their guide but no success. The box didn't boot to coreelec. After that, I also downloaded the armbian community build for S9xx-box and then replaced the dtb file with the one that I pulled from coreelec image I also renamed the u-boot-s905x2-s922 to u-boot.ext but still it didn't boot. I did so cause I found that S905x4 is very similar to S905x3 so I thought that it might work and it was suggested in this forum post But no It didn't work. After all my initial failed attempts I then opened up the box and found the UART pins quite easily. I am currently quite new to hardware hacking and don't even have a USB to TTL converter in hand. I ordered one on amazon it will be delivered in a couple of days still I did some probing with a multimeter and found out which pin is TX and RX but I am not quite sure. PCB pic I am attaching the photos for someone else who stumbles upon this post and can use this info I know that U-BOOT used by these boxes is used by many routers but as I am so new I am not sure how I can use UART to build my very own dtb or U-BOOT.ext for this box When I tried opening the dtb file That I pulled from coreelec I could not read it at all it looks like it was encoded. Here is link to the file I pulled from coreelec https://www.dropbox.com/s/uqsohy4na0tnj6i/sc2_s905x4_2g.dtb?dl=0 If someone has resources that can help me build my own U-BOOT and dtb for this box it will be very helpful.
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