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Everything posted by Slash402

  1. I recently run an apt-upgrade and noticed there's a package held back: armbian-bsp-cli-rk3318-box. Is there a way to find out what the package is, why it was held back and if I should force upgrade it or not? Thanks.
  2. @jockYou're right, they could be very well fake chips as well. Thanks. May I ask which image of armbian would you recommend using? Going with the stable ones or nightly builds? I know you made some precompiled images based on stable, but Idk how updated they are, while nightly, well, they're probably too updated xD. Maybe there are precompiled images based on the latest stable somewhere (which should be 22.11)? Thanks. Also, kinda OT, but, I noticed your github is called paolo, are you italian by any chance?
  3. @jockI see, so it should actually have 2GB of RAM, but because of hardware issue, 1GB is not seen. Yea I've tried the reflowing method once with a GPU (didn't really work out xD), in this case I should remove a lot of stuff first as there is a lot of plastic. Don't really know if it's worth it putting in the work, the tv box doesn't have very good specs after all. Should I reburn the original idbloader or keep it with the ones you sent me in case I plan on using it?
  4. @jockHi, so I tested both idbloaders as you suggested but sadly RAM still appears to be 1GB. The serial output of both idbloaders was basically the same and here's a pic of the first one: I used the sdcard method as you suggested instead of flashing to emmc.
  5. @jockSure why not, let's try it. Do you mind also telling me how to backup the current one so I can restore it in case anything goes wrong? Thanks.
  6. @jockWell, shit, that's a bummer. Thanks. As for the flash? Is it just 16GB or more?
  7. @jock Here's the output. Didn't make it in time to copy it as a text, but hope it's ok. Also, in case anyone else would need it. TXD is the most left from the ground (not the last hole, but 3rd one) and RXD is the middle one, next to the ground.
  8. @jockNo I didn't cut the firmware on purpose. That's the output the backup option of the multitool gave me. Well seems I won't be able to restore the original firmware then, not that I needed it anyway. I will check the serial output but I need to ask you if you could help me out in that as I never did it. Where should I solder the pins to (and which pin to what)? After plugging it to the computer what software do I need to use in order to read the serial? Thanks.
  9. @jock Firmware link: https://mega.nz/file/GUYgFCSI#me8b78lfHxlJHTOVL7qaCHx0Ycspe1QzulEMBs2BTvk If by USB-to-TTL you mean something exactly like this: https://www.amazon.it/gp/product/B07TFSZ3ZP I have it.
  10. @jockYes they are 8. I think I wrote it in the main post. As for the serial output, where and how can I get it? For the original firmware I made a backup with multitool. Can I put the link here and should I PM it to you? Thanks.
  11. @jockThanks for the information. So it's a software issue in this case. Any idea how I might be able to solve it? Armbian only sees 1GB of RAM and 16GB of flash. I used your guide to flash it with multitool and flashed it to the emmc. I've tried to flash 2 different images, but same issue. Thanks.
  12. @hexdumpI know they can have fake specs written on them, that's why I'm asking for a way to make sure this is the case. I even attached a pic of the inside to check for that.
  13. Hi, I recently flashed armbian on the emmc of this tv box and noticed that the reported size of the internal memory is 16GB and the RAM is 1GB. Now the tv box specs should actually be 64GB and 4GB of RAM. Now I'm not sure if this is a case of a software issue, or what I suspect being fake specs reported. Is there a way I can make sure which case it is? I also opened the box and took a pic of the inside where you can see the RAM modules. There are 8 of them, 4 on each side. I'm not entirely sure about their capacity, maybe you can help me figure it out. If oyu need any other information I will provide, let me know if there is any other way to find out the exact capacity of this box or if it's just a software/armbian issue. Thanks.
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