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  1. I have install ARMBIAN 5.37 user-built Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS 3.10.99 on a MK808b plus. How can i set the Display-Output to 720p 50Hz - it is necassary for a special purpuse. The MK808b is only use for this prepared purpuse. So i need the fix Display-output
  2. I have found my old Media-Player and I will use them for a special task. It´s labeled "MK808B Plus" OpenELEC is installed. Now I will run Armbian_5.67_Aml-s805_Ubuntu_bionic_default_3.10.108_desktop_20181207 from @Balbes150. I use the meson8b_mk808bplus.btb. But the WLAN is not working. For the first run I have change the "armbian_first_run.txt" the value "FR_net_wifi_enabled=1" How can I use the WLAN? How can I make a new "fresh" run that the "armbian_first_run.txt" is execute? How can I put the armbian to the NAND?
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