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Posts posted by materockt

  1. After having troubles with an update I switched back to the manufacturer's build for Ubuntu Server. Yes, outdated but with newer kernel than the "stable" armbian release. 


    But I saw also that I didn't answer exactly on the first message and noticed the remarks on the armbian page for the opiz2 that newer "supported versions" doesn't include HDMI. That I haven't tested because I connected via terminal and this worked. Until my recent update try. 


    I will gladly return to an armbian linux if this distribution has an actual maintainer and not only automated builds. 

  2. Hey, I would suggest, that you should try the image with the newer kernel. You found it in the "Other supported variants" section. I installed the "Jammy CLI, Kernel 6.1.y" yesterday and on top pi-hole. And it works fine. So exactly what you want to achieve: armbian and pi-hole on the Orange pi zero 2.
    Another aspect is that pi-hole dropped the support for Ubuntu 18.04 (with it's older kernel) anyway https://pi-hole.net/blog/2022/09/03/psa-dropping-support-for-ubuntu-18-04/

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