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Posts posted by vandyman

  1. @royk

    Yeah! There is a few different ways to swap the boot loader. 

    Sometimes after testing Android on the nvme. The boot system will not let me run Linux again on a nvme. So I keep the Debian cli handy for basic command line. 


    Note: 99% of my installs are done with Raspberry pi imager . Erase, burn, done. 




  2. I am not sure why it is so difficult. 

    Here is what I do to boot from the nvme. 


    Install the official orange pi 5 Debian server on a sd card. 

    On the command line, sudo orange pi-config. 

    Change the boot to nvme. 

    Install Armbian on nvme. (use Raspberry Imager) 

    Remove sd card and boot from the nvme. 

    Waa laa! 

  3. The Opi5 + is nice. 

    But what is the point of buying it if there is no support for rk3588. 

    I am just a novice when it comes to Linux 


     There is no Linux that can do anything but running a basic gnome desktop on the the Opi5, maybe in 2024. 


    I guess flooding the market with rk3588 might move it along in time. 


    There is no reason to use cli, when a Opi zero 2 or an rpi3 can do a better job. 

    Example ; Opi zero 2 running OMV. 





  4. For some odd unknown reason. I can not get the following installed and running. 

    (using official os for Opi5) 


    1- A virtual machine running on armbian. 


    2- Dolphin emu 


    3- Waydroid


    Thx, vandyman 


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