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Everything posted by ochentay4

  1. nope but will do and report back
  2. @jocknow that I booted librelec, can i export any logs to help you? or any other way?
  3. @jock I already did that in previous post:
  4. Hi, as I posted some time ago I can't boot multitool on this box using SD card. I just tested both LibreELEC-RK322x.arm-10.0-nightly-20230925-65bd849-rk322x.img and LibreELEC-RK322X.arm-11.0-nightly-20240218-d7324fb-rk322x.img and they both seem to work fine except that 10.0 doesnt support wifi chip. I wanted to try (again) to install to internal or install ARMBIAN using multitool but it doesnt boot at all (screen is blank, cant remember if I have to do something else) yet LibreElec images boot fine. Am I missing something? I thought that multitool boot was "fixed" on my device. What can I do to boot multitool on this box, or help to diagnose what is the problem so it gets fixed? Blue LED is on, Ethernet port shows activity, but box stays blank, no display.
  5. @SteeMan It has been IMPOSSIBLE to reflash this box. The only thing I could do is to get it detected using Amlogic USB Burning Tool when making a short on nand (took multiple tries but got it sorted out), but it stops 30 seconds in with this error: [0x10105002]Romcode/Initialize DDR/Read initialize status/USB Control setup error Tried multiple versions of the tool (with newer and older drivers of woldcup bla bla), multiple firmwares like hugsun_s905_mxq_20160304.img (I think this is the original one), and MXQ_PRO_4K_p201_android_TV_by_cOOLio_V2.5_MEE.img (this is supposed to work with this box as its for p201 boards), and also tried to start the flashing process before connecting the device, all failed attempts, all end with same error. Armbian still works fine. Isnt there any way of reflashing this box from within Armbian itself? Want to use EmuELEC or Batocera, thats my only wish! EDIT: tried an old Win7 pc, worked at first try. God damn Win11.
  6. Thanks Jock, sadly, it wont boot or show anything on screen. On the other hand, "LibreELEC-RK322x.arm-10.0-nightly-20230306-088ac81-rk322x.img.gz" seems to boot and work fine. Let me know if there is any other test to try.
  7. @SteeManthanks for the answer! now, how can I restore original android if I can't put the box in recovery mode using toothpick method? Can I do it from Armbian? Is there any command to run to do it? I can't seem to put the box on any recovery mode so Amlogic USB Burning Tool can't detect it (I already used it and have experience using it on my S802 box). Device isnt shown on windows and I'm using a USB-A to USB-A cable that is proven to work with my other RK3229 box.
  8. Hello! I recently started to play with this box and couldnt boot anything at all, as if reset button on AV port didnt work. So I downloaded terminal app for android and typed "reboot update" as suggested here https://forum.libreelec.tv/thread/4076-mxq-box-won-t-boot-into-sd-card-le-or-recovery/?postID=29844#post29844 (toothpick method doesnt work at all), and managed to enter recovery, so then I put ARMBIAN on SD and did "reboot update" from Android and booted Armbian. It worked fine... Until I wanted to try LibreELEC or EmuELEC and now the box doesnt boot Android (stuck at MXQ 4K Pro logo) and wont boot anything on SD as LibreELEC, EmuELEC, it only boots Armbian images. I can't even flash any IMG with Amlogic Burn Tool as device never enters flash/recovery mode with toothpick, so I think the only chance is to do something inside Armbian. I suspect recovery on this box is somewhat flawed, it seems to be "stuck" on "update mode", so all I can think is a TWRP compatible recovery flash from within Armbian, or any other recovery that works, so I can go back to Android or try EmuELEC. Device is OTT MXQ Pro 4K, AML S905 1GB ROM 8GB RAM, Realtek Wifi, GXBB P201, it uses "hugsun_s905_mxq_20160304.img" Android. Armbian works fine, nothing else boots.
  9. @fabiobassa I will try to get a USB TTL converter and give you a serial log but it will take time, as I dont have the neccesarry stuff to do it myself and I cant get one so easily online where I live. What I meant to say was that I took photos with my camera and took note of all chip descriptions. I can confirm its a real RK3229 and I already managed to boot LibreELEC 10 thanks to "ilmich" here: https://forum.libreelec.tv/thread/25236-unofficial-rk3228-rk3229-libreelec-10-x-builds/?postID=177599#post177599 that fixed it. I also tried to boot several armbian images, even legacy ones, and same beahavior as multitool, black screen (stand by) and no blinking leds. I also tried to scan my network to see if multitool booted but had no display and no, it doesnt how (of course my DHCP is working and cable plugged on ethernet port). Tried with tootchpick, no toothpick, tried both holes, it doesnt show anything on screen, only blue led on. @fangis I read the post by "hexdump" and its really complicated for me at the moment, I need to learn more. Thats why I wanted to test armbian on this device so I can "play" with linux. Something else: I dont know why my profle is still "Validating"... and cant post more than 1 post a day and cant change my avatar... Some help would be welcome.
  10. Hi everyone, Im triying to boot multitool but it doesnt work. When I put the SD card with multiboot for RK322X box doesnt show anything on display (display stays standby) and blue led doesnt blink. I also tried booting it with the toothpick method (like I do with LibreElec 9.2 just fine) and same behavior. Box specs: OTT MXQ 4K (not Pro) device with these specs (real and verified by me with my camera): RK3229 CBBKM43012 1552 CPU SanDisk P553072141 SDTNRGAMA-008G CP0813618 NAND NANYA NT5CC256M16DP-DI RAM (DDR3) Pulse H1102NL 1549-M ETH Espressif ESP8089 05215 P27X03 WiFi Board name T066-V1 Firmware MXQ-4K_ota_20160308 For the sake of adding more info, LibreElec 10 doesnt boot (but shows some stuff on display) like I posted here: https://forum.libreelec.tv/thread/25236-unofficial-rk3228-rk3229-libreelec-10-x-builds/?postID=177493#post177493 Maybe LibreElec 10 and Multiboot issues are related. Would LOVE to try Armbian on this little device.
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