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Everything posted by kesmtk

  1. Thank you I am not very a linux guy but it using your hint I found some information how to transfer files to ssd manually https://jamesachambers.com/orange-pi-5-ssd-boot-guide/ it I rewrited fresh sd image again, copied sd card partition to ssd using cat (now ssd disc has copy of sd card partition with same UUID) and changed the sd card UUID to something else. It after reboot it system picked up to mount whats there on the ssd(it fstab UUID now match UUID with ssd partition)
  2. Hi I have old orange pi A20 board with vga https://www.armbian.com/orangepi/ It armbian loads as expected, environmet file I added the fdt line. But after I reboot after command armbian-install after transfering files to the ssd hard drive it board does not start without errors. failed to mount media/mmcboot dependency failed for /boot dependency failed for local file systems <..> you are in emergency mode attached image of the error: imgbb_link
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