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Everything posted by JaimeDB

  1. @SteeMan, thanks a lot for your answer. I used the install-aml.sh as you recomended in your post "Installation Instructions for TV Boxes with Amlogic CPUs" Armbian boot without problem some days or hours, but sudenly cant boot again.
  2. I run and install into emmc without problem. With microSD card only boot from blue USB (with adapter), dont boot from microDS card slot. I used (No audio, No wifi, No bluethoot, Yes ethernet 1 Gb): Armbian_23.02.2_Aml-s9xx-box_jammy_current_6.1.11_xfce_desktop.img and meson-sm1-sei610.dtb or meson-sm1-x96-air.dtb (only ethernet ok with both files) I did many test wiht other files without ethernet (meson-sm1-x96-maz-plus.dtb, meson-sm1-g12a-x96-max.dtb, meson-sm1-x96-air-gbit.dtb ). After some days I installed into emmc, armbian cant boot, so I boot the tv box from microSD card again (I read this from other post), and the action solve de problem, but after some days the problem return. Can you help me to solve this problem? Thanks in advance
  3. @Steeman, I apreciate your answer and will try your advices, if success I put them in the forum to help others. Thank for your grat work.
  4. Hello @SteeMan, I install armbian on X96 Max Plus with S905x3 4Gb RAM and 64Gb ROM, thanks a lot for your work, the ethernet and emmc install is ok, but NO audio? I use meson-sm1-a95xf3-air.dtb and Armbian_23.02.2_Aml-s9xx-box_jammy_current_6.1.11_xfce_desktop.img What dtb file I must use or where I can learn how to compile new dtb file? Can I use emuelec dtb files? Regards
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