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  1. So I installed jammy minimal for Lime2 and get the same result. Can not activate the eth0 and get "could not activate connection: the device could not be readied for configuration". Also i get stmac_hw_setup: DMA engine initialization failed / failed to reset the DMA / hw setup failed
  2. I'll try it with the direct armbian image. Thanks!
  3. I already thought, that it must have something to do with the image, which olimex offers on there website. Don't understand, why they offer such out of date image. Support did not help me with this problem. So should I just install the image for the lime2-server from here? https://www.armbian.com/olimex-lime-2-emmc/ But just the non eMMC version, because I run it on the SSD.
  4. this build: https://ftp.olimex.com/Allwinner_Images/A20-OLinuXino/1.latest_mainline_images/buster/images/ I think, you mean armbianmonitor -U it show me VERY MUCH info what should I search for? Here it is: https://cl1p.net/xyr
  5. Hey! I have Lime2-Server from olimex here and get no internet connection. I configured eth0 via nmtui and tried to activate it, but I get: "could not activate connection: the device could not be readied for configuration". Any idea or known issue? best regards armybee
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