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fred Ockert

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  1. Hello, tried v25.2.1 for Banana Pi M5 running Armbian Linux 6.12.13-current-meson64 gives no difference. Is there a problem with plugged in USB-drive mounted on /edata ? verbosity=7 console=both overlay_prefix=meson fdtfile=amlogic/meson-sm1-bananapi-m5.dtb rootdev=UUID=caeb159d-efb2-41c0-ac48-fbcb3db271d1 rootfstype=ext4 usbstoragequirks=0x2537:0x1066:u,0x2537:0x1068:u hmm red and blue LED were stable lights Fred
  2. Hello. the M5 hangs up nightly , TTY Terminal shows following messasge: Unknown command 'IC▒▒B$▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒I▒▒I▒▒▒▒▒▒▒KI▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒I▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒[I▒▒▒▒▒▒I▒▒▒▒▒H▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒KI$▒▒▒▒▒[I▒▒▒▒▒▒@▒▒▒' - try 'help' if I type boot it runs up to copmplete boot process system on MMC , boot from MMC v24.11.1 for Banana Pi M5 running Armbian Linux 6.6.63-current-meson64m: I have tried actual debian and ubuntu Version - no changes Any idea for searching the reson ? Fred
  3. Hello, it seemes I foud a "solution" - now using latest Armbian_23.8.0-trunk.68_Bananapim5_bookworm_edge_6.4.2.img.xz runs now for a cpuple of days. lataest official releases Jammy and bookwork releases ( kernel 6.1 ) never done - they stopped beween 24...36 hours ( only red LED = power ON , no activity, no access LAN/UART, no log entries...) What is different now between 6.1.x and 6.4.x kernels ? Fred
  4. Hello, long time ago, but still same problem. Meanwhile new setup here (eMMC formatted) and run for 2 weeks raspian from bpi-website ( kernel 4.9) with usb-storage. New setup Armbian 23.05.1 Jammy with Linux 6.1.30-meson64 , new/other USB-SATA adapter ... running uas driver. the BPI M5 freezed/stopped (?) today early in the morning after less than 2 days uptime. (USB-power loss ) how to find out the reason ? panfrost ffe40000.gpu: error -ENODEV: _opp_set_regulators: no regulator (mali) found what does it mean ? Fred
  5. Hello, yep tried Odroid HC4 but... flash error ? now i have a boot loop ( on eMMC? ) and it never reaches u-boot loader . Hmm bricked ? and the aml burning tools does not detect the bpi M5 board. Fred
  6. Hello, BPi M5 freezes after a couple of hours running randomly. - use armbian Armbian 23.02 Bullseye ( 6.1.11) - same effects with Armbian Bookworm CLI kernels 6.1.x 6.2.x Now tried Sinovip Ubuntu (kernel 4.9.x ) aud it is running for days ! form their Homepage armbian from Sinovip page link also freezes... Why Armbian ( or Kernel 6.x ?) freezing . also found that USB power (for my data-USB-HDD) will be switched OFF during boot mostly . tried uhiubctl with permanant switch ON .. -> starts better - can ust USB-HDD in fstab ... but System freezes (include: USB no longer with power ) Is there any script to be change during boot or depends it to kernel ? hidden powersave options ? I want use it for a 24/7 running System (nextcloud) - any ideas ? g.l Fred
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