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  1. I have the original software from vendor if needed. But, as I dont trust internal emmc, I never tried.
  2. If I understand well, boot loader is at the begining of the emmc. Doing armbian-install will probably ends with system not booting anymore.
  3. Toxicity level over 9000, you better keep it for yourself next time. About PR, I can't and dont want. It's not my patch. Feel free to do it yourself if it's so important.
  4. do you want me to remove all binaries ? about tvbox in the genuine armbian, i'm pretty sure that i've read somewhere armbian would not support them
  5. What you need: - A DQ08 (got mine from aliexpress) - An sdcard (4g if you want to use external usb3 ssd or 32g if not) If you're lazy and trust my image (you shouln't, as I can bundle malwares inside): - flash this using this - usb2serial included - put in DQ08 and plug it in ethernet - scan for the ip using this - in windows terminal, using password=1234: ssh root@BOXIP To build the sd card, i've used this tutorial: - install wsl on your windows - apply this patch - open wsl shell - install docker on wsl: curl -fsSL get.docker.com | sh - run docker: sudo /etc/init.d/docker start - permit to use docker: sudo usermod -aG docker $USER - open a new shell (important) - follow this - flash the img file found in Linux/Ubuntu/home/XXX/armbian-build/output/image using this - put in DQ08 and plug it in ethernet - scan for the ip using this - in windows terminal, using password=1234: ssh root@BOXIP If, like me, you want to use an USB3 SSD: - flash the usb3 drive with the same image - plug to the box - e2label /dev/sda2 ssd - change /boot/armbianEnv.txt: rootdev=LABEL=ssd - reboot - check free size with: df -h / - optional: remove unused boot partition: fdisk /dev/sda + d + 1 + w + q - optional: remove unused data partition: fdisk /dev/mmcblk0 + d + 2 + w + q If, like me, you have usb2serial adapters: - follow this but remove all parameters at the end of ./compile.sh build and during kernel configuration, enable this: Device Drivers -> USB Support -> USB Serial Converter Support -> FTDI and PL230x
  6. DQ08 manufacturer sent me this original software few weeks ago.
  7. also, this box is not a dq08. if you want me to port for it, i can do it for you if you send me one.
  8. it's written on the post: "As i don't trust img distributed over googledrive/mega, here is a script to build it yourself". use the prebuilt file if you trust a random guy with 5 posts on a forum
  9. don't know why. can you solder serial to usb on it to get boot messages ? baudrade=1500000
  10. you're comparing 20USD android tv box with a 60USD rpi4/4go or a 300USD with ram intel nuc. That's not comparable, sorry
  11. I also added a usb3 ssd to the usb3 port. To use it, you still need to load the kernel from an internal SD. - flash the usb3 drive - plug to the box - e2label /dev/sda2 ssd - change /boot/armbianEnv.txt : rootdev=LABEL=ssd i also removed /dev/sda1 and /dev/mmcblk0p2 with fdisk also, to install homeassistant/haos, here's the tutorial Reboot and voilà !
  12. As i don't trust img distributed over googledrive/mega, here is a script to build it yourself: https://github.com/ilyakurdyukov/rk3528-tvbox/issues/4 git clone https://github.com/ilyakurdyukov/rk3528-tvbox.git cd rk3528-tvbox git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/armbian/build armbian-build cp -R armbian-patch/* armbian-build/ cd armbian-build ./compile.sh build BOARD=rk3528-tvbox BRANCH=legacy BUILD_DESKTOP=no BUILD_MINIMAL=yes EXPERT=yes KERNEL_CONFIGURE=no KERNEL_GIT=shallow RELEASE=bookworm cd ../.. cat <<EOF > rk3528-tvbox/build.sh #!/bin/bash cd /build IMAGE=\`ls /build/armbian-build/output/images/*.img\` losetup -D losetup --partscan /dev/loop0 \$IMAGE mount /dev/loop0p1 /mnt cd devicetree cp orig/*.dtsi . patch -p1 -i rk3528-tvbox.patch make NAME=rk3528-vontar-dq08 PRESET=LINUX cp rk3528-vontar-dq08.dtb /mnt/dtb/rockchip sed "s#fdtfile=.*#fdtfile=rockchip/rk3528-vontar-dq08.dtb#" -i /mnt/armbianEnv.txt losetup -D cat \$IMAGE | gzip > /build/\`basename \$IMAGE\`.gz EOF chmod a+x rk3528-tvbox/build.sh docker run -it -v /dev:/dev --privileged=true -v `pwd`/rk3528-tvbox:/build --rm armbian.local.only/armbian-build:initial /build/build.sh Tooks almost 30minutes to generate the image. Should works with WSL if you have docker. Note that you can change BUILD_DESKTOP BUILD_MINIMAL and RELEASE if you want. Also, nomore corruption with automatic partition extender. I've put the link here for lazy guys
  13. armbi_boot is the label of the first ext4 partition with boot files mounted as /boot. armbi_root is the second partition, the root / one it's not a fake one. works fine with other armbian releases.
  14. everything is working. i've plugged an uart to have boot logs. as i want a debian flavor to use it as a lowcost homeassistant, i'll try to create a script to "create" an image from scratch (with just your armbi_boot + any other armbi_root like an official one) did you create a git repo with Image + uInitrd + dtb + armbianEnv.txt + boot.scr ? what modifications did you do to armbi_root ? also, the automatic partition extender seems to corrupt everything after a first reboot
  15. How did you managed to flash @Shinjin image from mega.nz ? I've tried to dd it + add dtb + edit armbianEnv.txt but it doesn't show anything on my screen. as I still want to use android, should i need to use SDDiskTool_v1.7 or update emmc's uboot ?
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