so after many hours of trial and error I have managed to get the latest Armbian with Kernel 6.1.27 running on my old mxq s805 tv box.
Albeit only thing that is not working is hdmi output and wifi.
So for anyone else trying to accomplish something similar, my steps were:
Downloaded the latest release of this build for the onecloud device as it also runs on the s805 amlogic chipset (props to the developer for still updating)
Burn the image to your sd card.
Then after the image is burned, create a textfile on the root of the sd card and name it „uEnv.txt“
Paste the following and adjust the .dtb file to your corresponding device. My case is the mxq
APPEND=root=LABEL=armbi_root rootfstype=ext4 rootflags=data=writeback rw console=ttyAML0,115200n8 console=tty0 no_console_suspend consoleblank=0 fsck.repair=yes net.ifnames=0
Save the file, insert the sd card in your device connect it to LAN and ssh in to the device (check the ip in your router)
So, ssh root@your.ip.adress.x
Password is 1234 by default.
And that is that. I currently have it running for 4hrs with no outage. PiHole and PiVPN both installed and running.
I hope this could help anyone out trying on a similar device. Credit goes to the devs and contributors. I just put the pieces together and made it work as my own builds wouldnt run so I resorted to this much better solution.
p.s: If anyone is interested for my reasoning of updating from a old build, it was because i was using 5.14 rc2 kernel that was bugging with wireguard.
And as mentioned no hdmi output and no wifi. Wifi should be fixable hdmi rather not to my understanding.
Take care and have fun