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@jock So when I write modified images I mean: for armbian image "libreelec boot and armbian rootfs combined" and for "minitool" manual edited in hex editor and replace the 4MB u-boot with the u-boot extracted from LibreELEC11. This modified images will always boot from SD card regardless of the status of the NAND ; "Unmodified" and "original" attributes are for the images downloaded from this site that I did not touch ( modified). Yes I was successful installing jumpstart on NAND. I did some extra tests and I was incorrect in my post above: 1. When I flash the jumstart enabled with minitool or minitool2 unmodified images USB boot is working with unmodified armbian, but from SD card will not boot 2. When I flash the jumstart enabled with minitool or minitool2 modified images with u-boot from LibreELEC image USB boot is not working with unmodified armbian, but now SD card boot is working 3. When I clean NAND ( from MULTITOOL) neither USB or SD CARD is working with unmodified armbian; I did a back-up from multitool and apparently the NAND is clean ( verified in Hex editor). I did not tried with rkdeveloptool. The strangest thing, to boot minitool or minitool2 original ( unmodified) images from situation 2 or 3 above I need to flash the same image on USB and SD card, and start the board with both of them inserted. If one is missing the board will not boot. So from my point of view, the operation of the board is ok now for my goals and I can finally boot unmodified armbian images from SD or USB and I can update the kernel in the future without worrying that whole thing (my "libreelec boot and armbian rootfs combination") will break and the system won't boot anymore. Thank you for the support.
@jock Thank you for the support. After I followed your new guide with rkflashtool, the behavior of the board changed. The board started to boot USB if a SD card was inserted in the same time with u-boot on it ( unmodified or LibreELEC). So I flashed the unmodified multitool on USB ( the unmodified SD multitool still did not boot), and I activated the jumpstart. So, my board now with jumstart enabled: - booting from USB original images like armbian or multiboot -only booting modified images from SD card With NAND clean - unmodified armbian is bootting So clearly something was wrong with the original loader.
@2hry If you can boot LibreELEC you can create a custom "libreelec boot and armbian rootfs combined" what should boot. This is the only way I can boot armbian on my box. See page 63 for my posts and hexdump post in first page:
I retested USB boot with jumpstart thing via multitool without any succes. SD CARD is booting all the time only with U-boot from LibreELEC USB is not booting at all. I think that u-boot that is written on NAND with jumpstart thing via multitool is not compatible with my board.
@jock Thank you for the reply. Apparently my rk322x_loader_v1.10.256.bin file was corrupted ( it was only 8kb in size) and after I re-download the file the upgrade when from the first try. Program Data in /home/mint/Desktop/rkbin-master/tools Loading loader... Support Type:RK322A Loader ver:2.56 Loader Time:2021-03-13 16:06:57 Upgrade loader ok. After the upgrade nothing change in the behavior of the board. I will try to find a possibility to boot from USB, if not I will use SD boot. When the Raspberry Pi 4 didn't have the possibility to boot from USB, I kept only the /boot partition (FAT32) on microSD and ext4 partition on USB external SSD ( with a little modification in fstab). Maybe there is a possibility to do the same (some files on NAND the rest on USB) but i don't know where to start. My current booting armbian SD card has a 16MB unnalocated space ( the u-boot is here - and is not recognized by linux or windows), and the ext4 partition. I was expected to have a FAT32 partition for /boot; in fstab is defined only the ext4 partition. I have another mini server with Amlogic S912 CPU, but there things are more clear ( there is armbi_boot partition FAT32 and armbi_root partition ext4) and internal storage booting is working.
@fabiobassa Thank you for the quick response. You can find the picture of the board: https://pasteboard.co/jYJeY7V0Pc0G.jpg https://pasteboard.co/flGnLHCiD04S.jpg Yes, my goal is to boot from USB. From my test, NAND is slower that SD, so USB should be a good idea. I did some tests with the latest image of armbian to boot from NAND, and I archived only the (initramfs) error screen ( from what I remember there was an error regarding the /boot - missing). Regarding your recommendation "boot from internal kernel, dtb, init and then simply passing the whole control to external toofs" I honestly do not how there to start ( it is over my current knowledge in Linux). Can you please guide me in the right direction? I did some modification in the past at fstab level, but I didn't went further with linux boot process. And the second problem is why my board is only working with hacked u-boot from LibreELEC11 or 9 ? I have to modify armbian img files every time?
I received a MXQ Pro android Box as a gift, and I am planning to used it as a mini server. The main issue is this board is very strange. After a lot of experimenting, I managed the next things: 1.I can boot directly from SD only “LibreELEC-RK322x.arm-9.2-devel-20220112104822-3ce5dd4-rk3228b-a8.img” and is working ok; only A8 version is working ; the “LibreELEC-RK322X.arm-11.0-nightly-20230322-c4a7662-rk322x.img” is staring to boot, but without success 2.I can create a botting SD version of “Armbian_23.5.1_Rk322x-box_jammy_current_6.1.30_minimal” or “Armbian_22.02.0-trunk_Rk322x-box_bullseye_legacy_4.4.194_minimal” with the guide of @hexdump from the firs page "zcat working Librelec-xyz.img.gz | dd of=/dev/mysdcard bs=512 count=32768 status=progress" then use "fdisk /dev/mysdcard" to create a partition starting at sector 32768 ( o, n, p, 1, 32768, enter, w, q ) and then dump the armbian image to it: "xzcat Armbian-xyz.img.xz | dd of=/dev/mysdcard bs=512 skip=8192 seek=32768 status=progress" 3.Moltitool ( both versions) are not booting from SD, but I modified them in hex editor and I added the u-boot from LibreELEC 11; so with Multitool I can see the nand and I can install “Armbian_22.02.0-trunk_Rk322x-box_bullseye_legacy_4.4.194_minimal” on the NAND. 4."Install Jump Start for Armbian" – do not appear to work; only modified images are booting from SD and nothing from USB; I verified that u-boot was written on the NAND 5. rkdeveloptool wl 0x4000 u-boot-main.img temporary bricked my box; only with the modified multitool I recover my NAND and have the possibility to enter maskrom mode 6. rkdeveloptool db rk322x_loader_v1.10.256.bin or upgrade_tool ul rk322x_loader_v1.10.256.bin command are not working : root@mint:/home/mint/Desktop/rkbin-master/tools# ./rkdeveloptool rd 3 Reset Device OK. root@mint:/home/mint/Desktop/rkbin-master/tools# ./rkdeveloptool ul rk322x_loader_v1.10.256.bin Opening loader failed, exiting upgrade loader! root@mint:/home/mint/Desktop/rkbin-master/tools# ./rkdeveloptool rd 3 Reset Device OK. root@mint:/home/mint/Desktop/rkbin-master/tools# ./upgrade_tool ul rk322x_loader_v1.10.256.bin Not found config.ini Program Data in /home/mint/Desktop/rkbin-master/tools Loading loader... Loading loader failed! 6. My bood aparenty is RK3229 ( acoding with hexdump) and with Samsung NAND ( confirm on board), but now is repoting also Micron ( verry strange board). uboot@rk322x-box:~$ hexdump -C /sys/bus/nvmem/devices/rockchip-efuse0/nvmem 00000000 52 4b 23 92 81 f0 70 55 52 4b 4e 35 30 30 31 38 |RK#...pURKN50018| Flash ID: 2C 64 44 4B A9 Chip Info: 41 32 32 33 FF FF 0 0 FF FF 0 0 FF FF 0 0 Chip Info: 41 32 32 33 FF FF 0 0 FF FF 0 0 FF FF 0 0 Flash Info: Manufacturer: MICRON, value=04 Flash Size: 8192 MB Block Size: 2048 KB Page Size: 8 KB ECC Bits: 40 Access Time: 32 Flash CS: Flash<0> mint@mint:~/Downloads/rkbin-master/tools$ sudo ./rkdeveloptool rci Chip Info: 41 32 32 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Flash Info: Manufacturer: SAMSUNG, value=00 Flash Size: 7668 MB Block Size: 512 KB Page Size: 2 KB ECC Bits: 0 Access Time: 40 Flash CS: Flash<0 Did someone este encounter this board? My goal is to boot from USB if it is possible and not to create special modified armbian images. P.S. I extracted the next info from my nand dump original ( 0x0). This is reporting RK2228 not Rk2239. And u-boot stated on 0x00002000 not 0x00004000 as I expected. Please find some logs https://paste.armbian.com/duwidozafu Ignore the wifi driver error ( I did not disable the driver yet). PARM/ FIRMWARE_VER:6.0.1 MACHINE_MODEL:rk3228 MACHINE_ID:007 MANUFACTURER:RK30SDK MAGIC: 0x5041524B ATAG: 0x60000800 MACHINE: 3228 CHECK_MASK: 0x80 KERNEL_IMG: 0x60408000 #RECOVER_KEY: 1,1,0,20,0 #CMDLINE:console=ttyFIQ0 androidboot.selinux=permissive androidboot.hardware=rk30board androidboot.console=ttyFIQ0 init=/init mtdparts=rk29xxnand: 0x00002000@0x00002000(uboot), 0x00004000@0x00004000(trust), 0x00002000@0x00008000(misc), 0x00000800@0x0000A000(baseparamer), 0x00007800@0x0000A800(resource), 0x00006000@0x00012000(kernel), 0x00006000@0x00018000(boot), 0x00010000@0x0001E000(recovery), 0x00020000@0x0002E000(backup), 0x00040000@0x0004E000(cache), 0x00008000@0x0008E000(metadata), 0x00002000@0x00096000(kpanic), 0x00400000@0x00098000(system), -@0x00498000(userdata)