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Have the same experience on a Cubieboard2 ..the Xserver generates output on an Interface called "None-1" instead of HDMI-1-1. You can switch that with xrandr. but unfortunately xrandr needs an X11-Session with auth cookie to work. I've managed to login blindly and to fire up xrandr out of the .xsessionrc script but can't be called an solution. Please check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log if that is the case. As far as I know you can set the correct video output in the Xserver config file, /etc/X11/xorg.conf.. but you have to set up one first. Autogenerating one with Xorg --configure fails, so you have to do this by hand. I've asked in the forum what would be the the intended way to switch the video output before the login bit got no answer at all. Regards, Holm
smth -v please ..to make it short: Helpful where an answer like "you have to set the value in /armbian/build/path/to/some/$board/patch file and generate an new image with ./compile.sh -something" ..that is an helpful and generic information about what todo and it is totally independent of is a board supported or not or if one of the developers is knowing exact that board or not. Otherwise a user has to investigate where he can get the buildroot from (yes github) and then has to reverse engeneer what some people tought it where a good idea to do things. That's a heavy job for one that just wanted to download an operating system image and use it. The Intention that he has to be an Linux developer that has to build kernels and u-boot images is an entirely different thing! But it seems that it is totally normal that one that has a problem here doesn't get such answers, here you get answers that try explain that the user is an asshole and has to help itself, like the one from you. Please tell your Idea why an CPU related bug must get an PR for every single bsp package to your barber, maybe he is interested in your interpretation... Maybe a little more far as you, I've learned in the meantime that my time is getting shorter. Es war mir ein Vergnügen, Holm
It was your idea that I should complain at the company that made the cubiebords, not mine, that's why I've mentioned this. My question was why you are here..then regarding your opinion should we all have support from the companies we bought the boards from? ..no answer. But again: I would try to help..at least in regard to the A20 SOC's, but they got out of your support anyways. To do that, it isn't that comfortable to leave such people at their own and to have nothing to say to their questions. Nobody is interested in warranties at all but I've got a problem and Armbian showed up with a slogan such as "community supported".. In fact, there is no support at all and the bug existed already as there still was support. I tried a year before and I've tried now. My question why "the community" should do investigations on the same bug over and over again for 9 years...no answer from you. A year before there was "some kind of support" regarding the Armbian website.. I've invested time because of this. The principles of opensource aren't that new to me, but thanks for clarify it up again. Must be that new thing with "quality is a myth" or something that give you the idea I had you to thank for something. Ok, it is your "last comment on this" so leave it as it is. Maybe I can figure out what's going on and tell it to other people here. You could have been helpful, but you don't wanted this. You have done nothing useful at all. You are complaining about your users, a really bright idea in my eyes. 🙂 Yes, of course I can fix this myself (since it is opensource as you mentioned above) ..but get my right, I can do this with or without you, there is no difference. Regards, Holm Addition: It where really nice if this where the case, but you are dividing people in two classes, the one s with the newer boards and the ones with the older ones. The later only seldom gets the luck of beeng read from one of the developers...and then there is that no support thingy ...
Oh yes, you are taking the easy looking way, don't you? To make it less easy for you: how about the support 9 years before now? Why wasn't the patch (including that PR in 2017) followed by a repair of all that systems that are affected? (to this time) If Armbian where not Armbian but Debian and there where a Bug with an Intel-something processor, would you really ask for an PR for every single Motherboard that supports that CPU? Before I'm trying to submit PR's that keep something alive, I'm trying to ask ..you can easily find my questions and the begging for help in this forum (begun almost a year before now), where have you (and the others) been? I can only see CryBaby, not with a solution but with a similar Problem. Before I can submit an PR, I first have to understand the entire build architecture of that buildroot (no, I'm not familiar with that) and where to apply my patches. It wehre at you to give me hints (or other people here that already know that stuff) how to handle that and finally make your project better, ha, sorry forgot it for a moment..no time, no recources..not interested. I'm complaining, yes! ..because you aren't doing your (free time) job right. In no circumstances it should be necessary to find and fix the same bug over and over again and that for years! And yes, there where years with support for cubieboards2 and where ethernet wasn't working..... You wasting time of people that want to use your work (for what it is made for) ...and that really wish to help to get things running, ..simply be ignoring them. Sorry I don't remember that you tried to help.. in fact you told me I should solve the problem myself and then submit an patch...wasn't that you? From my point of view that looks as you asking me for help... You are NOT the "community" that is supporting something here, your help consisted of an recursive grep... Since you have the idea I should complain to the company that build that board(s) ..I got them for free, trying to do something useful with them, only bought the breakout boards for $20 and 2nd: why you are developing Armbian here at all? There are companies that should provide support..companies for every board that you are supporting here..Why the heck you are here? I understand that you are pissed of.. but you should get better arguments I think. BTW: I'm pissed of too.. searching for problems that was already known 9 years before. Asking people that think it isn't necessary to answer, complaining in a language that I've never learned. Regards, Holm
Hi SteeMan ..you are right, it may be simple, you just have do set up a buildroot, compile an test the image, I'll ask my (good) wife (urology chief-nurse) if she want's todo it. Maybe my old retired Neighbor (75 this year) also want's to submit an PR for at thing that is known since 2015 as you say. (I think he has to learn english for that..besides of unix/linux but that should be easy as you say). Can you please provide a list of all different boards that may affected from that problem that's known for 9 years here? I'll try to activate all my neighbors in the meantime. Sorry man, do you still have all of the noodles on the dish? You are complaining here that the Armbian project doesn't have enough recources available to support all that platforms, but if one asks for help to find the bugs, you don't have enough resourecs for only an hint... If one submits an PR that affects an entire class of plattforms around a cpu, you wan't to get a PR for every single HW implementation? It think it's no wonder that you don't have enough recources... who want's to deal with such guys? Regards, Holm Sorry, but I'm a old white man .. so an asshole anyway...
The problem was discovered in 2017 HERE: ..and no one came to the conclusion that a pcDunio isn't the only platform with Allwinner A20 where it is relevant? Holm
Maybe that's the cause of the trouble? " GMAC Allwinner's A20, A31/A31s and the A80 contain a MAC unit called GMAC ("Gigabit MAC"). The controller supports MII and RGMII modes. On the A20 it is pin compatible with the EMAC in MII mode. Also on A20 the manufacturer of the device in question can decide whether to use EMAC or GMAC. The controller is an early version of the Synopsys DWMAC (DesignWare MAC), with some hardware specific glue. The SoC's GMAC is always combined with an external PHY, in most cases a RTL8211E/CL (the Lamobo R1 uses the Broadcom BCM53125 switch IC instead). Important: In this special mode the RTL8211 chip is just used as PHY and only responsible for layer 1 operations, since everything else happens inside the SoC's GMAC (therefore no RealTek drivers are needed and some functionality differs, e.g. no WoL possible). For reliable Gigabit networking (1000Mbit operation), several sunxi devices require an important tweak that adjusts the relative timing of the clock and data signals to the PHY, in order to compensate for differing trace lengths on the PCB (details). Among others, this includes Banana Pi/Pro, Cubietruck, Lamobo R1, pcDuino3 Nano and Orange Pi/Mini. Recent mainline U-Boot uses CONFIG_GMAC_TX_DELAY to initialize these devices accordingly. If a necessary GMAC TX delay isn't set, then GBit Ethernet operation might be unreliable or won't work at all. 10/100 Mbit/sec negotiation is unaffected, so misconfigured devices could actually work (faster) when connected to a Fast Ethernet port instead of a GBit Ethernet port." https://linux-sunxi.org/Ethernet Regards, Holm
My problem seems to have nothing todo with hardware at all. None of my problems have their source in the hardware. My Idea was that "Armbian" and "sunxi" sounds like a solution to get my project running, but as longer as I'm trying it gets clearer and clearer that it isn't a solution, it's the source of the problems. "community support" should get renamed to "no support", you are at you own. I've tried a year before and it was impossible to ad a 2nd uart running with that overlay mechanism, but X11 worked and ethernet worked. Now a year later the uart works but other things are broken. The documentation isn't better as before, you get hundrets of outdated hints or websites with dead links. Sorry, if I have to investigate all things myself w/o documentation or any help from other users or the developers, I could use FreeBSD where I'm familiar with., but there are still other linuxes to try, plain debian and openwrt. I'm giving up here, that stuff is simply unusable like it was a year before. Regards, Holm
ok, here is the output of journalctl -b attached, Ethernet not working. I couldn't find a cause in there. The interesting thing is, sometimes it works, sometimes it don't. Floating input or something? Regards, Holm Armbian-cap
until I've installed the 24.05 image the cubieboard2 came up with an HDMI output on video, I have an DVI to VGA Adapter connected and could use an USB Keyboard+Mouse and the VGA Monitor. Since I've installed the Armbian_community_24.5.0-trunk.667_Cubieboard2_jammy_current_6.6.31_xfce_desktop.img.xz on the SD card, the system comes up with an ASCII Console on the VGA Monitor, later the screen gets cleared with only an cursor in the left top and then gets switched off. I've managed before to switch the output of the X-Server from None-1 to HDMI-1-1 using xrandr, but this is only possible with an proper and authenticated Display and I have to use an autologin Desktop to manage this in the Session startup files using xrandr. I know that I can puzzle together an xorg.conf file ..but since the modesetting exists this should be history, shouldn't it? How can I switch the X-server to an existing output before the login? How about the LCD Interface for LVDS Displays that exist in the Allwinner chips and that could be used some time before? Is there a possibility to use them with some framebuffer driver? I know that the cubieboards2 are old hardware..but that shouldn't be much different at Olinuxino Lime or others? That are 32bit, 2 core, amost 1Ghz computers, it should be possible to do something useful with them. Regards, Holm
..if that where the case, I don't had this problem. But yes, since you ask niceley, I'll append the logs here later today. Regards, Holm
Hi, I'm still experimenting with different "Linuxes" on that boards.. to get an LCD Display (LVDS) and the Ethernet part working. It cost me days to figure out that there seems to be an ugly glitch. with the stone age "cb2-dvk-sdcard-lubuntu-lcd v1.0.img" I get an working X11 Desktop with 800x480 ..but Ethernet doesn't work. I've checked those fex files (script.bin, script.fex) but couldn't figure out what's going on. I think that doesn't interest someone besides me, ok., got that. Now I've tried the actual "Armbian_community 24.5.0-trunk.667 Jammy with Linux 6.6.31-current-sunxi" that I've downloaded from somewhere here (Armbian_community_24.5.0-trunk.667_Cubieboard2_jammy_current_6.6.31_xfce_desktop.img). ..No Ethernet ..if the cubieboard2 sits on the DVK521 breakout board from waveshare. If I pull it from there and run it solo..ethernet is working.. plug it back .. no Ethernet. I've disconnected the LCD and pulled all the jumpers on the board that connects "on board hardware".. no Ethernet. So the DVK512 is bad. ..really? 3 of them, new and unused ..at once? A year ago I've build a FreeBSD for that board, let's have a look: "FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE releng/13.1-n250148-fc952ac2212 GENERIC Welcome to FreeBSD! [..] To change this login announcement, see motd(5). root@cubie2:~ # # ping forum.armbian.com PING forum.armbian.com ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=47 time=97.410 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=47 time=96.099 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=47 time=96.424 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=47 time=95.877 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=47 time=95.936 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=47 time=95.989 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=47 time=96.083 ms ^C --- forum.armbian.com ping statistics --- 7 packets transmitted, 7 packets received, 0.0% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 95.877/96.260/97.410/0.497 ms root@cubie2:~ # " ..needless to say that the cubieboard2 sits on its DVK521 and there is no difference if the LCD is connected or not, and if additionally all jumpers are plugged in. That DVK521 Board is nothing other as a breakout board, converting the 2mm headers to the usual 2,5mm ones. If no LCD or additional hardware is connected the is no load on the lines, even the PL2303 is powered separate from the 4 Pin header on the Cubieboard. Allwinner has made the mistake to steal GPL'ed code, therefore all the old archives are now empty. Most of the files and even posts relating to the cubieboards that I've got came out of archive.org. Here is the schematic from the cubieboard (cubieboard 1, but the only difference to cubieboard2 ist the A10 processor instead of the A20, so it is the same schematic) and here the schematic of the DVK521 board. https://www.tiffe.de/other/cubieboard_schematic_2012-08-08.pdf https://www.tiffe.de/other/DVK521.pdf There must be something wrong with a floating Pin or some such wenn Linux runs, FreeBSD seems to be unaffected. It isn't relevant if Linux runs with the old fex and script.bin mechanism or the modern way with that Device Tree.. Please give me a hint how I can figure out what's going on here. For an Linux Newbee it's really difficult. Regards, Holm
134 views and no Idea? Should I reinstall the old image? Regards, Holm Ok.. forget about that above, it's simply the wrong xrandr output )false DISPLAY variable). I can switch to HDMI1-1 and get a picture, but the default generated config for the Xserver seems to be wrong after the update.. One Question left: How can I switch the Video Output to VGA or HDMI or LCD on Armbian? Originally this was possible with a u-boot kernel Variable..but the original u-boot can't write to a fat partition..since there is none..? Regards, Holm
Hi, I've build an SD card image with in a buildroot myself, used the stable branch as suggested. "For stable branch use --branch=v23.11"..and that all worked good so far. I'm no linux guy at all and begun some investigations, installed packages and configured the system, this was an desktop variant with xfce. Somewhere in the middle of work I've got the message that a security update is available and I should do an apt upgrade..done that. Interresting for me was, that I've got an Update to Armbian 24.2.1 jammy.. ok ..then this is so. I've noticed later that I don't have any video output from X11 anymore, after the login prompt the screen gets black with an cursor above left and later is shut off entirely, but the Xserver is still running, [pre] 1125 tty7 Ssl+ 0:06 /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg -core :0 -seat seat0 -auth /var/ru n/lightdm/root/:0 -nolisten tcp vt7 -novtswitch [/pre] xrandr output: [pre] xrandr Screen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 3840 x 1200, maximum 16384 x 16384 DVI-I-0 disconnected primary (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) DVI-I-1 connected 1920x1200+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 518mm x 324mm 1920x1200 59.95*+ 1920x1080 60.00 59.93 1680x1050 59.95 1600x1200 60.00 1440x900 74.98 59.89 1280x1024 75.02 72.00 60.02 1024x768 75.03 70.07 60.00 800x600 75.00 72.19 60.32 640x480 75.00 72.81 65.99 59.94 DP-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) DP-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) DVI-D-0 connected 1920x1080+1920+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 521mm x 293mm 1920x1080 60.00*+ 50.00 1680x1050 59.95 1600x900 60.00 1440x900 59.89 1280x1024 75.02 60.02 1280x800 59.81 1280x720 60.00 50.00 1152x864 75.00 1024x768 75.03 70.07 60.00 800x600 75.00 72.19 60.32 56.25 720x576 50.00 720x480 59.94 640x480 75.00 72.81 59.94 DP-2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) DP-3 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) [/pre] I've fiddeled around with some commands, but I'm unable to restore the Xserver Output on the DVI Output of the Cubieboard2. I have an DVI to VGA Connector plugged in and an TFT Display with the VGA Input to the converter. I'm unable to use the vga output that is provided at the DVK521 Board (WaveShare) too and already had planned to ask here how I can switch between the Video connectors with an actual Armbian. The last thing I've done where some entries in the armbianEnv to get an 2nd uart and the 1wire Interface enabled, that worked so far, but I was logged in with ssh from my host and haven't seen the X-Display from the Cubieboard2 since the monitor was switched to DVI which is connected to the host as 2nd monitor. I don't think that there is something wrong: [pre] armbianEnv: verbosity=1 bootlogo=false console=both disp_mode=1920x1080p60 rootdev=UUID=42951d58-2c17-42a5-af83-c6eaf7357967 rootfstype=ext4 overlay_prefix=sun7i-a20 overlays=uart3 w1-gpio param_uart2_rtscts=1 param_w1_pin=PB10 param_w1_pin_int_pullup=1 #extraargs=video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1080M@60 usbstoragequirks=0x2537:0x1066:u,0x2537:0x1068:u [/pre] The commented out extraargs line was from Igor suggested in another thread for a problem w/o connected monitor..but changed nothing. Can someone help me please? I hadn't much todo with Xserver setup in the last years..I'm tapping around pretty much in the dark.. Kind Regards, Holm
Whow..worked "out of the Box" with Overlays. Good Job Guys! Does anyone know if that Toch-LCD that is coming with that DVK521 Kit for the Cubieboards is working with armbian? I don't know anything about the hardware or even the original Software that came with the Cubieboard2 .. and the examples. The 3 boards I have are all used and none was complete with the original software to try out something. Regards, Holm