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  1. good day, I have 2 tv boxes type H20 with RK 3229 chip. Problem is that multitool does not start. I have tried several times to use other versions of multitool, to use other formatting. Without sd card the box starts normally with android once the sd card is inserted, only the red led is on but it doesn't start. i would love to get them both running. are there other ways to start multitool or flash armbian?
  2. i tried the same thing after that, but the problem is that windows doesn't recognize the device as a rockchip device, but as an unknown device. i tried installing drivers several times but that didn't help.
  3. Good evening, after i tried to play armbian image on the box it doesn't start anymore. this doesn't seem to be that rare with this model and now i want to put the box in maskrom mode, because otherwise it will not be recognized by the pc. I took the photos of the circuit board and there 2 pins have to be connected to each other. can someone tell me what pin it is? color or circle on foto.
  4. Good evening, I have the x88pro tv box with RK3318 chip I tried to flash the box with multitool. used the Armbian_23.8.0-trunk.56_Rk3318-box_bookworm_edge_6.3.8_minimal.img. after i deleted the old image from the box and put the armbian image on it, the box starts but the display is completely black and the multitool doesn't start anymore. how can i fix it all?
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