I have a neo3 that has been running without any issues for about a year. Today after I had to restart it and the device wouldn't boot anymore. I checked the systemd logs by mounting the sd card in my laptop and I can see that it didn't get to boot at all (as there are no systemd logs after the shutdown). I checked the card for filesystem issues, and it seems to be OK. But I have no idea how to fix this. I really don't want to flash again an image and start from zero as I have a good amount of software installed that would take a lot of time to setup again. If this is a problem with the bootloader, how can I troubleshoot it? I don't have a serial interface so I am a bit in the dark here (as the neo3 doesn't have a video output, only USB and ethernet).
There was another topic saying that after an upgrade, rk3328-nanopi-neo3-rev02.dtb had gone missing. I also checked that, and the file is in its place and armbianEnv.txt is pointing to it, so I don't think that is the problem.
Anyway, pointers in how to debug this would be appreciated!