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  1. So, basically you're saying that the /boot/config.txt file does not exist, and that /boot/armbianEnv.txt has to be used instead. Unfortunately, it seems that an overview of all possible parameters for armbianEnv.txt does not exist, as it depends on the kernel version. Anyway, as per the Kernel Parameters page for the kernel version I'm on, I believe the boot_delay parameter is not what I need, as it will delay each printk during boot. I just need to add a pause of 30 seconds at boot... before the network is brought up.
  2. Hello, Like it happened to @Grogorio in 2016, I need to introduce a boot delay on my OrangePi Zero Plus (Armbian 23.02.2 Focal) to allow time for other network elements in my setup to boot. As per what I have read somewhere, this can done by adding a 'boot_delay=n' line in /boot/config.txt, however I don't see this file in Armbian; I've also tried to add the line, but it does not seems to be working. Furthermore, the max delay that can be setup there is 10 seconds, but I need a longer delay. Can someone help? TIA
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