My Device is MXQ-4K with RK3228a chip, Unfortunately I erased my emmc chip clearing out the idbloader, when inspecting using serial I'm getting this output (I Don't have a USB to TTL convertor, so I've repurposed my Arduino to read serial out from MXQ-4K, don't know how reliable the serial output is)
�DDR Version V1.10 20190926
Bus Width=16 Col=11 Bank=8 Row=15 CS=1 Die Bus-Width=16 Size=1024MB
Boot1 Release Time: May 13 2019 17:02:59, version: 2.56
ChipType = 0xc, 407
No.1 FLASH ID:2c 64 44 32 a5 0
FTL version: 5.0.56 20190508
Is my box done or is it possible to revive it to earlier state, P.S I installed armbian using rkdeveloptool even though there was a SD card slot, because my micro-sd to SD adapter was faulty. Also I did a backup of LBA using wl command in rkdeveloptool. Post installing armbian there was no display so I tried to restore the dumped LBA as instructed above, now my device is detected in mask rom mode only when EMMC clock is grounded and I'm unable to download bootloader onto the chip, I'm new to this so any suggestions on reviving the device would be helpful