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Roberto Rodrigues

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Posts posted by Roberto Rodrigues

  1. Many Thanks Gunjan Gupta

    It really worked the adding of the line echo


    Indeed i had done some updates, but i don't remember if i did any to kernel or something like that.

    The line echo had to be changed to like


    echo rootdev=UUID="<Your UUID>" >> /mnt/boot/armbianEnv.txt

    Because the file existed, but had no line to boot the sdcard.


    Thanks once again.

    Hope this helps others.

  2. Another info, in initramfs I created a symlink to the missed file

    ln /dev/mmcblk0p1 /dev/mmcblk1p1

    After having the link created I typed exec init and it started to boot, but off course it fails, because the initramfs gets cleaned. So where the hell is where I change the name is the mmc file to boot?

    Best regards


  3. Hi all,

    I have been using armbian jammy on my potato without issues.

    But since the weekend it only boots to initramfs and says can't find mmcblk1p1

    I put the sdcard a live gparted and partitions are and verified.

    In initramfs I can find in /dev the mmcblk0p1 but not the mmcblk1p1

    Now how can I change the boot or the name of the device?


    Board: Le Potato
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