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  1. Thank you. like in this thread, that come through my research (thats why i have 2 threads, sorry) I somehow cant activate end0 (eth0) almost like it doesnt exist. Strange
  2. Hello, i installed Armbian 23.8 on my ROCKPI E. When i put a LAN cable into END0, everything is quiet, no leds are glowing. END1 works normal. I used nmtui and tried to activate it. Do i have to add somewhere end0? is this port not automaticly configured? thank you
  3. Thank you for the answer. I read about it, that dhcpc is not installed on armbian. I somehow read that the pendant to it on ARmbian is the networkmanager. (I GUESs) But thats where i quit. I put this settings: interface eth0 static ip_address= static router= static domain_name_server= on ubuntu in my dhcpcd.conf file and it worked.Since this is not existent, somehow need to do this setttings on Armbian. I tried to install dhcpc but chrashed my OS
  4. Hello! First of all. Sry if this was already menationed ins some thread. I tried to find the solution here I am using a ROCKPI E. I switchted my OS from Ubutnu to ARMBIAN 23.8 Bookworm. I am still confused, if this was a good idea. I read that ARMBIAN should be the “better” OS for the KERNEL. Is there a rule of thumb what to use? On my Ubuntu i made some settings to route my IPS, since i am controling a pump on ETH0 and using my LAN on ETH1. On UBUNTU i made this changes on dhcpcd.conf: interface eth0 static ip_address= static router= static domain_name_server= Since this file does not exist on ARMBIAN, where do i make the changes for this on ARMBIAN? thank you
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