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  1. Hi Panda, Any news ? And there is an "opensource" device which use RK3528, the Radxa Rock 2F Regards
  2. Thanks The best are the config files + restrictions (like which kernel works/validate), persons could do it themself Today, I try to compile mpv/ffmpeg with HWaccel, it is hard (no Mali source from RockChip, files/explanations are for old OS, many compilations errors...) If @jock or other could share MPV/FFplay/FFmpeg which work, it will help many persons here
  3. Hello Dwarfy27 you are not alone, see my message (wednesday) on this post 🙁 This is a link to multitool download one month ago on jock folder: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17MSPCVdH-PFutlUEA7Fmk8MSduBP9iOr/view?usp=drive_link I hope Jock/armbian could repair users.armbian.com server ?
  4. Hi/Hello Problems with "users.armbian.com" server, it is not available So lot of link (to firmware) does not work 😭😭😭😭 Any solution to access at Jock's files (OS image and kernel dtb) ? Thanks
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