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  1. Hi, please help me install Armbian. Hardware: I have an X96 TV box with 2GB of memory and 16GB of storage. Software: I'm trying to install Armbian_23.08.0_amlogic_s905x-t95_lunar_5.15.132_server_2023.09.21. I downloaded the image, wrote it to the SD card and successfully booted using the toothpick method. Booting from the SD card is successful, everything works fine. When I try to install Armbian on emmc the installation just stops. If you cancel the installation (ctrl + c), the system continues to work normally. I also tried using the image Armbian_23.08.0_amlogic_s905x-t95_lunar_6.1.52_server_2023.09.12. To install, I used the commands armbian-install and armbian-install -m yes -a no. I chose all possible DTB options for the s905x. It's always the same. The installation just stops (in the picture). Android boots successfully without an SD card. Thank you in advance!
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