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  1. I found a good way to hide mouser. ``` unclutter -idle 0 -jitter 2000 ```
  2. I tried three way for hiding mouse, but not work: 1. Unclutter: ``` unclutter -idle 0 -root -display :0 `` It shows unclutter: could not open display 2. startx -nocursor -> not work 3. Using xbanish and boot from Systemd: ``` ~/.config/systemd/user/xbanish.service ``` [Unit] Description=xbanish After=default.target [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/usr/bin/xbanish Restart=on-failure StartLimitBurst=10 RestartSec=30 [Install] WantedBy=default.target Is there any good way for hiding mouse on XFCE4 desktop (Armbian) ? Thanks
  3. I have a 480*480 HDMI display. Using Armbian image cannot work, but Bananapi Official image support this resolution. I also tried to adjsut /boot/boot.cmd (Using 480p60hz) and add disp_mode=480x480 into ArmbianEnv.txt. Does anyone have any suggestions for a solution?
  4. I solve this issue. Because in Armbian image, GPIO pin map as same as Khadas VIM3 (https://docs.khadas.com/products/sbc/vim3/applications/gpio/mainline-linux-table) I use GPIOA_3, the pin number is 479 not 463. PS. Armbian gpio pin num need to use "mainline linux table".
  5. @c0rnelius I tried cm4 image. Temperature is come back normal. Thanks.
  6. @c0rnelius OK, I will try cm4 image. Thanks!
  7. @c0rnelius I am using cm4 (https://wiki.banana-pi.org/Banana_Pi_BPI-CM4) My Armbian image download from this page (https://www.armbian.com/bananapi-m2s/) not cm4 page Because m2s image has the XFCE desktop is good for me. As far as I understand, these two platforms can share the same image? Thanks
  8. hello @c0rnelius g12a-radxa-zero-gpio-10-led: It just for testing the gpio function , but not work. I will disable this. sm1-bananapi-rtl8822cs: I use this because I want enable wifi function. Did you have any suggestion to enable wifi function ? Thanks!
  9. hello, I found default armbian image will cause the CPU temperature very high. My cpu freq is setting 1Ghz and usage is around 20%, This should not cause the cpu to overheat. This is my armbianmonitor -m : ``` Time CPU_cl0/CPU_cl1 load %cpu %sys %usr %nice %io %irq Tcpu C.St. 18:55:22 1000/1000 MHz 0.88 17% 6% 9% 0% 0% 1% 103.0 °C 8/8 18:55:27 1000/1000 MHz 0.89 17% 5% 9% 0% 0% 1% 103.0 °C 8/8 18:55:32 1000/1000 MHz 0.90 17% 5% 9% 0% 0% 1% 103.1 °C 8/8 18:55:37 1000/1000 MHz 0.83 17% 5% 9% 0% 0% 1% 103.2 °C 8/8 18:55:42 1000/1000 MHz 0.76 17% 6% 9% 0% 0% 1% 103.1 °C 8/8 18:55:47 1000/1000 MHz 0.86 17% 5% 9% 0% 0% 1% 103.2 °C 8/8 18:55:52 1000/1000 MHz 0.87 17% 5% 9% 0% 0% 1% 103.0 °C 8/8 ``` My cpu's governor is `powersave` and I also see gpu usage, my gpu governor is setting `simple_ondemand`. I also use bananapi officical image (ubuntu mate) No overheating issues. How can I solve this problem? Thanks
  10. Hello, I tried ` echo 463 > /sys/class/gpio/export ` and it build gpio464 folder under /sys/class/gpio , and I cat `value` file to check gpio status. It seems not work. The same gpio was working on Bananapi official debian and Ubuntu mate image. How can I solve this problem? Thanks
  11. Hello @c0rnelius Thank you for your reply, I tried your dts file in the topic. It works for me. Thank you very much!!!
  12. hello, My image is (Armbian BookwormXFCE desktop 20230831) and download to cm4 moudule. When I using the Bananapi CM4 base board ( https://wiki.banana-pi.org/File:BananaPi_BPI-CM4_base_board_1.jpg) the USB function is working. But I using the common RPI CM4 base board, such as waveshare's cm4 nano-b (https://www.waveshare.net/wiki/CM4-NANO-B) the USB function is not working. I compare the difference of two board's schematics. Bananapi's base board is connecting the fs1.1 usb hub ic. but waveshare's base board was connecting USB D+/D- to USB host directly . I also tried bananapi official image (both Debian and Ubuntu mate) and the wareshare's base board USB function is working.This is a bit confusing to me. Why can’t USB be found when connected USB D+ / D- directly in Armbian image? How can i solve this problem? Thanks PS. Bananpi base board SCH: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IErCKqfWdU7gL7kUod2-wlpG7uE9EiVZ/view waveshare base board SCH: https://www.waveshare.net/w/upload/f/f5/CM4-NANO-B-SCH.pdf
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