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  1. My board keep entering maskrom mode instead nothing changes even if i flash multiboot on SD or if i erase flash. I think i have an hardware problem at this point...
  2. Sadly im not able to make it work, ive erased flash, and then i installed multitool on sd with rufus on windows, but nothing happens when i power it on
  3. Thanks, should i simply put it on SD and it should start?
  4. It only booted the first time, when android was still installed, it doesnt boot anymore now after i tried to install armbian. Mine is KMQN10006M-B318.
  5. Yes, i have the same chip, i'll wait for the the new loader then, even if i was able to boot multitool the first time...
  6. Well im not exactly sure what is happening then, im not able to boot from SD with multitool, nothing appears on screen, but also im not able to flash or erase flash anymore, it stop on download boot error.
  7. Thanks ive been able to enter maskrom mode with your help, and ive flashed the loader, but now the device always enter maskrom mode automatically, and doesnt boot from SD, not sure if ive done something wrong or not.
  8. Hello, is it possible to use an USB-A to USB-C cable to enter maskrom mode? I have an H20 V1.71 board and my PC doesnt see the board, not sure if it is cause the cable or im doing something wrong...
  9. Ive a similar bricked board, but there are no test pads under the emmc, so im not sure which pins to short to clean the emmc. Its still an H20 but a newer version, and it bricked after flashing with multitool
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