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  1. Agreed! I'll get back about the edge build when I can. @SteeMan I help maintain several small projects and understand completely. I'm a guest here and intend to follow the rules, make no demands, and be thankful for any suggestions!
  2. Thanks to all for thoughts and replies! I have several threads going at the Inovato forum as well, I was mostly optimistic about getting a pure-Armbian build with working WiFi. The Inovato founder reports that he was unable to get WiFi working on pure Armbian (https://forum.inovato.com/post/is-support-now-in-mainline-armbian-12778776?pid=1336353539), which contrasts with the comments in this Armbian PR that makes it seem like WiFi was working. I did not have working WiFi when building Armbian checked out to the commit in the PR, so I was reaching out to see if there were any further details. @SteeMan yes, I don't mean to intrude -- I was asked to move conversation either to Discord or here so as to not clutter the PR at GitHub, and I chose here as I'm more facile with forums than Discord. Hope that's okay! @Gunjan Gupta All of my builds have been on 6.1 (as I was curious about a build with ZFS support eventually). Specifically 6.1.45 in the case of armbian with Inovato's patches (90c05bac23ceabb54f897342ce20d38e21bc8e1f with https://www.inovato.net/build/quadra.patch) and 6.1.62 in the case of Armbian main (inovato-quadra, minimal, console-only, no other options modified that I can recall). I will try with edge! I'm away from the device for the next week but will reply back soon. Thank you both, I greatly appreciate your time!
  3. Hello -- bringing in conversation from https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/5726#issuecomment-1817668480 as requested. @viraniac -- I've attached the dmesg output from a fresh flash of the quadra SD image -- which is just armbian checked out at `90c05ba` with this patch applied: https://www.inovato.net/build/quadra.patch . Build instructions from the founder are at https://forum.inovato.com/post/building-armbian-from-source-12449428?pid=1333459893 Curiously the dmesg output almost looks truncated to me -- doesn't start with `Booting Linux on physical`, and I see a few xradio message but no results for 819. I've rebooted and get similar output with `journalctl -b -k`, so I guess this is the full output? Let me know if further info would be helpful, and thank you again for your time and attention. quadra-working-wifi.txt EDIT: The inovato founder says they are not intentionally limiting the dmesg output: https://forum.inovato.com/post/dmesg-output-truncated-missing-beginning-12780349?pid=1336369022
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