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  1. @jock I remember selecting exactly in led-conf7, that was more than 1 week ago. Currently I don't have much time, but as soon as I do I will redo the whole process
  2. I realized that it's been a few days, anyway, by burning the image using rkdeveloptool after erasing emmc, I successfully booted with Ubuntu using kernel 6.1. I set it up using SSH with everything at default and led-conf7, rebooted and had success with HDMI and ETH. The CPU only exceeded 60ºC during the update, but that was because it was without the case. Edit1: After a complete system update, I ran rk322x-config again and the HDMI and LED stopped working, but that was ok, I decided to use it as a local server and for that I only need the SSH and ETH connection, WIFI would be interesting but it's not a necessity. I am sending you the dmesg, fdisk and journalctl attachment for the board initialization after all this. So I used .dtbo to get led-conf7 working again, but I didn't get to test HDMI. Detail, when the HDMI worked I tried to install LXDE to test the power of the box, it crashed in the middle of the installation and I had to reinstall the entire system, as it was corrupted. Edit2: With the case installed, the card got very hot, so I installed 2 coolers to cool the card, one sending air to the CPU and the other to remove air from inside the case (but I intend to remove the second one). After that, the card doesn't even exceed 50ºC during the benchmark. The objective is to use its useful life to test some applications. I'll wait for system updates to test the HDMI and WIFI again, but like I said it's not really necessary dmesg_k405.txt fdisk_k405.txt journalctl_k405.txt
  3. @Bert Kortenbach I understand, the board actually says R29_5G_LP3-v1.2, I'm going to try to connect with the modem to test the SSH connection and see if Armbian is booting. If everything goes well, I'll test the way found in the previous comments. @RaptorSDS I thought the same when I did the first tests 1 week ago. I've had this box for a few months, if I'm not mistaken, almost a year, and as it was sitting in the closet I decided to play around a bit and maybe set up a local server for testing. If it's not too much trouble, I wanted to learn about how to do these low-level tests with the boxes (related to u-boot and the like) and possibly create images as well. Is there a path I should follow or a starting point? And where do I find the images with the latest kernel?
  4. Hello, sorry for the grammar, I'm a complete layman and I'm trying to install Armbian on an rk3228a with an eMMC chip. I can access through rkdeveloptool with rkdeveloptool db rk322x_loader_v1.10.238_256.bin and with the multitool, however when installing the Armbian image it simply does not turn on, it has a constant red LED and no video. I've already tried with legacy and current, both don't start, here's a photo of the board. Multitool did not identify whether the chip is NAND so I was not able to install NAND through Multitool to test and I was not even able to get the u-boot-main.bin file to test via rkdeveloptool.
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