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  1. Yeah, the processor and copper wires are ripped out, so it's impossible to re-solder it. I tried heating the glue and it didn't melt, so your technique with the knife is the best. the processor is still attached to the radiator, the card is dead, I'm keeping it for parts.
  2. @hotnikq Yes it's perfect, that's what I wanted to do except that the person who made my box stuck the radiator on these pins so I couldn't see it. I tried to remove the radiator but the processor came with it...
  3. I tried to remove the radiator from the processor because whoever glued it had put it on the clk pins, so I tried to remove the processor. The only thing left to do is not to install armbian on the emmc for the time being.
  4. Maybe I'm blind, but I can't find that pin. You could circle it on the motherboard.
  5. I still haven't found the place where there is clk, the gnd I can use from the uart. But I don't know where the clk is.
  6. The card is not even recognised by rkdevtools
  7. I can completely destroy it. There, it's just a matter of putting the bootloader back in the eMMC. I'm looking in the datasheet, everyone says you have to access the maskroom. Wouldn't it be better if I short-circuited something wrong. Even if I tried with the pad and it doesn't work.
  8. lol I can't find the CLK and gnd pins. There are only pins for the uart and pins for another supply. You can see the pictures of the card in this post :
  9. I used the software to flash a sd card. It succeeded the second time. I put the sd in the box, and pressed the av button until I connected the usb cable. I waited 2 seconds, then released it, and no sign of life. Not recognized by lsusb or factorytool software. @Energokom
  10. @Energokom https://chinagadgetsreviews.com/download-android-13-stock-firmware-for-vontar-r3-rgb-tv-box-2.html this is the image ? Can you give me a link to dl r3 RGB firmware thanks
  11. @jock I tried again with lsusb and the curdent. I thought it might be the cable. I tried the same technique with my other dq08 box (exactly the same one which is not brick), it recognized it. So the cable's fine, my tricks are good. The box doesn't even want to be recognized.
  12. @jock I have dq08 4go. I tried with the usb to usb, with the software for reset (a software that the aliexpress salesmen said to use). And it's not even recognized by the windows device manager
  13. @jock Hello, I have a similar problem to your experiments. I believe I have erased the eMMC, so the box doesn't want to boot from the SD card. What do we do in this case?
  14. I installed armbian on a micro sd to be able to install it on my Dq08 RK3528. The boot succeeded on the sd card perfectly. I wanted to install armbian on the memory of the box with "armbian-install" I followed the instructions I did the 2. and Then I did the 5. it ask me to poweroff and since it does not want to turn on or be recognized by my peripherals connected. I've tried rebooting from an sd but it doesn't work. But I tried on another box with the same sd and it worked. So I think the box is brick. I've decided to do the tutorial from the sellers on aliexpress with the usb to usb cable. With the av button, the software doesn't even recognise it. I don't know what to do now.
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