Hello everyone,
I've recently started migrating a project for Banana Pi M5 from Debian 10 Buster to Armbian, because I've found that the latest versions of it now support the GPU, Mali G31, and come with Panfrost OpenGL driver, which is crucial for this project.
Everything was perfect until I had to implement two features: operating with TV via CEC and showing boot logo. Quickly about the last one - as I've understood, we have to use Plymouth, but I didn't really get how to do it, I've tried to activate it but had no success (how exactly see under paragraph). However, it doesn't work on Server Images (even on those that were compiled with build tools and activated option BOOT_LOGO in kernel conf), but in GUI Images everything is fine with it. Also I've tried using uBoot logo (boot-logo.bmp.gz), but also no success.
# Adding "splash quiet loglevel=0 logo.nologo" to extraargs in "/boot/armbianEnv.txt"
# Activating bootlogo in "/boot/boot.cmd" (am I even supposed to edit this file?)
sudo plymouth-set-default-theme -R customtheme # It contains our logo
# sudo update-initramfs -c -u # In fact, it runs automatically
sudo reboot
# ...
sudo plymouthd
sudo plymouth --show-splash
Now about CEC. I've made some observations:
CEC Under Debian
# Sorry, there is no support for Shell syntax highlighting apparently.
pi@TEST:~$ uname -a
Linux TEST 4.9.312-BPI-M5 #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Mar 1 01:44:35 UTC 2023 aarch64 GNU/Linux
pi@TEST:~$ cec-client -l
libCEC version: 4.0.4, compiled on Linux-4.9.0-8-arm64 ... , features: P8_USB, DRM, P8_detect, randr, Exynos, AOCEC
Found devices: 1
device: 1
com port: AOCEC
vendor id: 0000
product id: 0000
firmware version: 5
type: unknown
pi@TEST:~$ ls -l /dev/*cec*
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 503, 0 Feb 14 2019 /dev/aocec
pi@TEST:~$ echo 'standby 0' | cec-client -s -d 1
opening a connection to the CEC adapter...
pi@TEST:~$ # Works fine.
pi@TEST:~$ echo 'on 0' | cec-client -s -d 1
opening a connection to the CEC adapter...
pi@TEST:~$ # Works fine.
pi@TEST:~$ sudo lsmod | grep cec
pi@TEST:~$ sudo find /lib/modules/ -name "*cec*"
pi@TEST:~$ # No CEC module in lsmod or modules overall, but works fine.
It uses AOCEC on 4.9 Linux kernel. Works flawlessly.
All the parts in "/boot/boot.ini" concerning CEC:
### voutmode : hdmi or dvi
setenv voutmode "hdmi"
# setenv voutmode "dvi"
# HPD enable/disable option
setenv disablehpd "false"
# Enable/Disable CEC
setenv cec "true"
### Normal HDMI Monitors
if test "${display_autodetect}" = "true"; then hdmitx edid; fi
if test "${hdmimode}" = "custombuilt"; then setenv cmode "modeline=${modeline}"; fi
if test "${cec}" = "true"; then setenv cec_enable "hdmitx=cec3f"; fi
# Boot Args
setenv bootargs "...${cec_enable} sdrmode=${sdrmode}"
If I set cec "false" this happens:
pi@TEST:~$ cec-client -l
libCEC version: 4.0.4, compiled on Linux-4.9.0-8-arm64 ... , features: P8_USB, DRM, P8_detect, randr, Exynos, AOCEC
Found devices: 1
device: 1
com port: AOCEC
vendor id: 0000
product id: 0000
firmware version: 5
type: unknown
pi@TEST:~$ ls -l /dev/*cec*
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 503, 0 Feb 14 2019 /dev/aocec
pi@TEST:~$ echo 'standby 0' | cec-client -s -d 1
opening a connection to the CEC adapter...
unable to open the device on port AOCEC
ERROR: [ 2233] AllocateLogicalAddresses - failed to allocate device '0', type 'recording device'
ERROR: [ 2233] failed to find a free logical address for the client
ERROR: [ 2233] failed to register the new CEC client - cannot allocate the requested device types
ERROR: [ 2233] failed to register a CEC client
pi@TEST:~$ # Doesn't work
Here, "/dev/aocec" doesn't sweep away when setting CEC to false. It just becomes unaccesible.
CEC Under Armbian
pi@TEST:~$ uname -a
Linux TEST 6.6.8-edge-meson64 #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Dec 20 16:02:07 UTC 2023 aarch64 GNU/Linux
pi@TEST:~$ cec-client -l
libCEC version: 6.0.2, compiled on Linux ... , features: P8_USB, DRM, P8_detect, randr, Exynos, Linux, AOCEC
Found devices: NONE
pi@TEST:~$ ls -l /dev/*cec*
ls: cannot access '/dev/*cec*': No such file or directory
pi@TEST:~$ echo 'standby 0' | cec-client -s -d 1
autodetect FAILED
pi@TEST:~$ echo 'on 0' | cec-client -s -d 1
autodetect FAILED
pi@TEST:~$ sudo lsmod | grep cec
pi@TEST:~$ sudo find /lib/modules/ -name "*cec*"
pi@TEST:~$ sudo modprobe cec
pi@TEST:~$ sudo modprobe cec-gpio
pi@TEST:~$ sudo modprobe ao-cec
pi@TEST:~$ sudo modprobe ao-cec-g12a
pi@TEST:~$ sudo modprobe dw-hdmi-cec
pi@TEST:~$ sudo modprobe pulse8-cec
pi@TEST:~$ sudo modprobe rainshadow-cec
pi@TEST:~$ sudo lsmod | grep cec
rainshadow_cec 16384 0
pulse8_cec 24576 0
dw_hdmi_cec 12288 0
ao_cec_g12a 12288 0
ao_cec 16384 0
cec_gpio 12288 0
pi@TEST:~$ # cec.ko isn't in libs so in lsmod there is no such module, but why "modprobe cec" gives no error?
pi@TEST:~$ ls -l /dev/*cec*
ls: cannot access '/dev/*cec*': No such file or directory
pi@TEST:~$ # And activating modules just doesn't help, there is still no any "/dev/*cec*" device
It doesn't use any of CEC on 6.6.8 Bleeding Edge Linux kernel (I've tested it before on stable 6.1 kernel, but it didn't work as well, I've activated some modules concerning CEC in kernel config and built using the latest possible kernel, thinking it will change something). Just doesn't work. AOCEC module is compiled and launched though, but it doesn't use it at all since there is no "/dev/*cec*" device.
All the parts in "/boot/boot.cmd" concerning CEC:
setenv sdrmode "auto"
setenv voutmode "hdmi"
setenv disablehpd "false"
setenv cec "false"
if test -e ${devtype} ${devnum} ${prefix}zImage; then
setenv bootargs "...${cec_enable} sdrmode=${sdrmode}"
Somehow, it misses the part where we should set "cec_enable" variable. What if I restore it and set to true? But I don't really think it will change something, as "/dev/aocec" existed on Debian even when CEC was disabled.
That didn't work, as well as adding "hdmitx=cec3f" to extraargs in "/boot/armbianEnv.txt". There is just no CEC device in "/dev/", I don't know which type of problem is that - module, overlay, kernel??
Yes, I've used v4l, and it also fails because it doesn't find any "/dev/*cec*".
Anyway, I hope this problem can be resolved and thanks to everyone for attention, have a happy new 2024 year!