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  1. How do I do this? I burned the working image to a usb, took the boot folder from it, I then burned the linaro img to a usb, when I plug the usb into my system it doesn't get detected, I did get an error during the burning, something to do with the linaro img file not containing valid partitions, im trying to reproduce the error to paste it verbatim, i have been using Etcher to burn these usbs edit: the error
  2. cool, thank you so much for the help
  3. if im understanding this correctly, if I burn the images too a usb / sd card, load into linux I should be able to move the 4.4 kernel into the rootfs, then turn that into its own image that I can burn to the on board nand with multitool? please correct me if im not quite understanding
  4. @fabiobassa Hate to be a bother, but how exactly do I use the rootfs that you provided? the same way with multitool or some other process?
  5. awesome, its alright if I cant use Lima specifically (and I did suspect panfrost wouldnt be of use to me, I was just grasping at straws for a while) but if I can the graphics chip work at all would be a huge step forward, thanks
  6. @fabiobassa and @RaptorSDS the issue isnt due to the desktop environment or it not booting, My system works with the 4.4 legacy, it just doesn't use the Mali400 chip for graphics. I provided the image of what happens when I use anything other than the legacy kernal as extra context, that doesnt happen when I update or upgrade, when I set up a desktop environment myself it works fine. I will try @fabiobassa's rootfs just to see what its about, and if it some how allows me to used the Lima, panfrost, or built in Mali drivers I will stick with it, thanks!
  7. @jock yes it is indeed NAND, I have also read through the first page a few times when I first came across it, (thanks for the Quick installation instructions on NAND btw) I do want to use the internal flash rather than an external sd card or usb, (just for the fun of it tbh as its not like this is a mission critical device), I assume this basically has me locked off to the lima or panfrost drivers then? is it possible to compile my own on the device itself?
  8. @jock the reason im using an image with the legacy 4.4 kernel is that when I use anything other than those images I get the results of the picture I sent
  9. Hi, im having some GPU driver issues - RK-3229 - 4.4.194-legacy-rk322x some info: The image I am using on my device is; Armbian_22.02.0-trunk_Rk322x-box_bullseye_legacy_4.4.194_minimal.img I chose this, as any of the other images from here; https://users.armbian.com/jock/rk322x/armbian/stable/ other than the xfce desktop image would lead to this happening: (if there's a fix for this I'd rather use one of the more up to date images) with the bullseye legacy minimal image set up on my device I then did this: yes | sudo apt update yes | sudo apt dist-upgrade yes | sudo apt --fix-missing yes | sudo apt install neofetch chromium xorg xfce4 lightdm sudo reboot heres the neofetch output if it helps with anything: user@rk322x-box:/lib/modules/4.4.194-legacy-rk322x/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/rockchip$ neofetch _,met$$$$$gg. user@rk322x-box ,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P. --------------- ,g$$P" """Y$$.". OS: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) armv7l ,$$P' `$$$. Host: Generic RK322x TV Box board ',$$P ,ggs. `$$b: Kernel: 4.4.194-legacy-rk322x `d$$' ,$P"' . $$$ Uptime: 58 mins $$P d$' , $$P Packages: 564 (dpkg) $$: $$. - ,d$$' Shell: bash 5.1.4 $$; Y$b._ _,d$P' Resolution: 1920x1080p60 Y$$. `.`"Y$$$$P"' Terminal: /dev/pts/0 `$$b "-.__ CPU: Generic DT based system (4) @ 1.200GHz `Y$$ Memory: 228MiB / 962MiB `Y$$. `$$b. `Y$$b. `"Y$b._ `""" when looking into the drivers I can find these: user@rk322x-box:/lib/modules/4.4.194-legacy-rk322x/kernel/drivers/gpu/arm/mali400/mali$ ls mali.ko user@rk322x-box:/lib/modules/4.4.194-legacy-rk322x/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/rockchip$ ls rockchip_drm_tve.ko this is expected. I am aware from other posts and threads in the forums that for Mali400 I should install the Lima driver for it; when trying to use mesa to set up both Lima and Panfrost it typically fails because of missing dependencies (that when I try to manually install cannot be found) or has no issues but when I look into the drivers/gpu/(arm or drm) directories there is nothing different from what I previously showed and if I look for lima or panfrost within lsmod the modules are not in the list. appears like this: user@rk322x-box:/lib/modules/4.4.194-legacy-rk322x/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/rockchip$ lsmod Module Size Used by lz4 16384 4 lz4_compress 16384 1 lz4 gpio_ir_recv 16384 0 mali 233472 0 snd_soc_rk3228 16384 1 lzo 16384 4 zram 24576 2 fuse 94208 1 ip_tables 24576 0 autofs4 32768 2 as a side note: user@rk322x-box:~$ export "DISPLAY=:0" user@rk322x-box:~$ xset -dpms user@rk322x-box:~$ LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 glxinfo | grep "OpenGL vendor\|OpenGL renderer" OpenGL vendor string: Mesa/X.org OpenGL renderer string: llvmpipe (LLVM 11.0.1, 128 bits) (output is the same when the command does not contain LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1) (this is how I would check the renderer, I typically check from ssh as its easier to type commands from my pc due to the small amount of space I have in my setup, however even when im using the terminal on the tv box without ssh the result it the same) any help would be appreciated. thank you
  10. @SteeMan Yeah I have followed the thread, read through it a couple times due to confusing results, as well as having issues with using builds other than the legacy images I mentioned
  11. some info: The image I am using on my device is; Armbian_22.02.0-trunk_Rk322x-box_bullseye_legacy_4.4.194_minimal.img I chose this, as any of the other images from here; https://users.armbian.com/jock/rk322x/armbian/stable/ other than the xfce desktop image would lead to this happening: (if there's a fix for this I'd rather use one of the more up to date images) with the bullseye legacy minimal image set up on my device I then did this: yes | sudo apt update yes | sudo apt dist-upgrade yes | sudo apt --fix-missing yes | sudo apt install neofetch chromium xorg xfce4 lightdm sudo reboot heres the neofetch output if it helps with anything: user@rk322x-box:/lib/modules/4.4.194-legacy-rk322x/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/rockchip$ neofetch _,met$$$$$gg. user@rk322x-box ,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P. --------------- ,g$$P" """Y$$.". OS: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) armv7l ,$$P' `$$$. Host: Generic RK322x TV Box board ',$$P ,ggs. `$$b: Kernel: 4.4.194-legacy-rk322x `d$$' ,$P"' . $$$ Uptime: 58 mins $$P d$' , $$P Packages: 564 (dpkg) $$: $$. - ,d$$' Shell: bash 5.1.4 $$; Y$b._ _,d$P' Resolution: 1920x1080p60 Y$$. `.`"Y$$$$P"' Terminal: /dev/pts/0 `$$b "-.__ CPU: Generic DT based system (4) @ 1.200GHz `Y$$ Memory: 228MiB / 962MiB `Y$$. `$$b. `Y$$b. `"Y$b._ `""" when looking into the drivers I can find these: user@rk322x-box:/lib/modules/4.4.194-legacy-rk322x/kernel/drivers/gpu/arm/mali400/mali$ ls mali.ko user@rk322x-box:/lib/modules/4.4.194-legacy-rk322x/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/rockchip$ ls rockchip_drm_tve.ko this is expected. I am aware from other posts and threads in the forums that for Mali400 I should install the Lima driver for it; when trying to use mesa to set up both Lima and Permafrost it typically fails because of missing dependencies (that when I try to manually install cannot be found) or has no issues but when I look into the drivers/gpu/(arm or drm) directories there is nothing different from what I previously showed and if I look for lima or permafrost within lsmod the modules are not in the list. appears like this: user@rk322x-box:/lib/modules/4.4.194-legacy-rk322x/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/rockchip$ lsmod Module Size Used by lz4 16384 4 lz4_compress 16384 1 lz4 gpio_ir_recv 16384 0 mali 233472 0 snd_soc_rk3228 16384 1 lzo 16384 4 zram 24576 2 fuse 94208 1 ip_tables 24576 0 autofs4 32768 2 as a side note: user@rk322x-box:~$ export "DISPLAY=:0" user@rk322x-box:~$ xset -dpms user@rk322x-box:~$ LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 glxinfo | grep "OpenGL vendor\|OpenGL renderer" OpenGL vendor string: Mesa/X.org OpenGL renderer string: llvmpipe (LLVM 11.0.1, 128 bits) (output is the same when the command does not contain LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1) (this is how I would check the renderer, I typically check from ssh as its easier to type commands from my pc due to the small amount of space I have in my setup, however even when im using the terminal on the tv box without ssh the result it the same) any help would be appreciated. thank you
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