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Everything posted by ezpc98

  1. Thanks for the pointer, much appreciated. I scrolled through the list (System > Hardware) and there is an overlay module "rockpi4cplus-usb-host". At least the name suggest it is for this board. If I toggle this option and reboot, assume it will switch the port from OTG To host mode.
  2. I have the installed community build 24.5.0-trunk.417 Bookwarm. Radxa official guidance (link) asks to edit /boot/hw_intfc.conf file to change between host & OTG mode. Armbian build does not have hw_intfc.conf file but I believe /boot/ArmbianEnv.txt is Armbian way to manage the config. what is the correct way add "intfc:dtoverlay=rk3399-usb-otg" overlay in ArmbianEnv.txt file?
  3. I'm new to SBC and tinkering with Rock 4C+ (plus) board and appreciate some support and guidance for blueooth setup. Installed Armbian 23.11.1 Bookworm CLI build. Enabled BT package from Armbian config utility as well tried installing bluez package from CLI using apt command afterwards. Started bluetooth service but seems not working. Command sequence I used: sudo apt install bluez sudo service bluetooth start sudo service bluetooth status (output says Loaded & Active). 'hcitool scan' command however returns message "Device is not available: No such device". When I installed Radxa's official Debian 11 desktop build, bluetooth works out of the box. I can see bluetooth connection icon in system tray and active. What I'm doing wrong or missing to setup bluetooth on Armbian bookworm build?
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