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Posts posted by cabsandy

  1. My A20 is just sitting here, stable but not doing much. The work I envisaged for it, I got a Odroid64 instead. I keep on seeing clock speed mentioned, I am not a Linux expert by any manner of means and the only thing I can reference this to, is where I change the speed of my Raspberry Pi's in raspi-config. It is pretty easy to do.


    If there is something different I can change, to see if it helps in troublshooting, I am happy to do-as long as its simple and not time consuming.





  2. Moved over to the "offical" Olimex release-A20 has been rock solid for nearly 10 days. Make your own mind up on what you want your box to run on!!

    root@A20-OLinuXino:~# uptime
     19:57:54 up 9 days, 18:41,  2 users,  load average: 1.00, 1.01, 1.05
    root@A20-OLinuXino:~# uname -a
    Linux A20-OLinuXino 3.4.103-00033-g9a1cd03-dirty #29 SMP PREEMPT Tue Apr 5 08:21:20 EEST 2016 armv7l GNU/Linux
  3. This make sense?


    root@A20-OLinuXino:~# dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=48K count=1 | strings | grep -i "U-Boot"
    1+0 records in
    1+0 records out
    49152 bytes (49 kB) copied, 0.00223254 s, 22.0 MB/s
    U-Boot SPL 2015.10-dirty (Jun 14 2016 - 16:28:35)
    U-Boot 2015.10-dirty for sunxi b

  4. I bought an Odroid C2-its been rock solid since I bought it. No going to sleep, not having to mess about with other images, it.just.works. As do my Pi's, up for 30 days and more.

    So not sure if this is a hardware problem, or a software problem-but its getting the heave into Ebay. I've not got the time, nor the energy, to try and make someone else's experiment work.





  5. Hi there

    Have purchased a Lime 2 device, as it offered GigE-which my Pi's dont :-) Loaded up both the vanilla and the normal distro's but both have this annoying habit of the device just goes to sleep-sometimes after a few hours. When I say sleep, I can still see the Ethernet LED's blinking away-but it wont respond to PING's, and it wont respond to SSH. Plugging in a monitor and keyboard doesn't bring it back to life either. If I power recycle it (2.5A unit being used-have tried the OTG and the 5vdc but no difference), up she comes. Fully updated in terms of packages.

    I have even set up a continuous ping to my home router from the Lime 2 (its on my internal LAN) to see of this would keep it up, but no luck. I've searched up on this, but nothing I find seems to make any difference.

    Before I send it back (UK reseller), anyone have any ideas on what I could try? Desperate for the thing to work, but as it would be in a remote location, no way can I use it if it decides to give up the ghost on a random basis! :-)





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