Thanks, Armbian for supporting users like us with community backed OS for SBCs which otherwise are struggling to maintain the OS software in synergy with their hardware product portfolio.
The whole SBC paradigm revolves around accessing GPIO either as Inputs, Outputs, UARTs, SPI or I2C. If the main focus/priority is to get the UI up and running, there would be no difference between mainstream rooted phones/tablets and SBC. As a general observation, I have almost always struggled to run gpio based python scripts out of the box after loading minimal OS for multiple SBCs.
As a humble request on behalf of whole community is to propose readiness for GPIO with wiringpi for python out of the box even for minimal OS after loading the downloaded image on SD card.
Also, it will be great if enabling ports from armbian-config is working like a charm right first time. Sometimes, it is a struggle to carry out simple configuration of enabling the SPI.
I suppose, both of the above features (1: Default presence of wiring pi for python 2: Right first-time configuration of required serial communication in armbian-config) are absolutely imperative.
I am looking forward to other members to share their opinion and experience in this regard. I will be glad if my perspective is wrong and would like to end my struggle and anxiety of these two features when I am trying new minimal OS on any used or new model of SBC.